Pick me up? (NatashaxFem!Reader)

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Im at school, my lesson is boring and i havent written in a long time, so enjoy this small ramble:3

Keep in mind that  Y/n is an adult and shes at university. (And yes the lessons are like that at this uni, okay?)

Definetely not prrof read as my school computers are shit so please deal with my spelling mistakes, i love you all anyways

PoV Y/n

I hate Uni. 
This is said too much, Uni is fine when you have your favorite teachers. Burt this? Its absolutely boring because im stuck in politics class, my best friend is sick and im alone. My teacher is nice, dont get me wrong but i would very much rather spend some time with Natty, my girlfriend, at the Tower or in the city.

"Y/n, do you know the answer to the next exercise?" my teacher pulled me out of my thoughts. "UHm.. what? Wait, its that feminism is needed and very important in our society and how it always has been" I repied, looking at my working sheet. "That is very much correct, but do me the favor and pay attention to the class, okay?" My teacher said and i nodded. 

Secretely, i rolled my eyes ( i didnt). But as promised, i payed more attention to the class while also thinking how i can get out of this. We got school until like 4pm and its only 10! I am bored to death and my whole hands look like my pen slipped because i have been drawing stuff on my hands forever.

Class went on for a while until the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Our teacher gave us the homework to write an assignment of a subject we wanted to (obviously a political subject) and i said i wanted to write something about the Civil War bezween Captain America and Iron Man. My teacher said it was okay and i was happy that i was allowed to, because i could get my information from first hand. I am literally living with t he avengers, what do you expect? Tho, I will definetely talk more to Wanda when it comes to Team Cap. Steve is okay but... nahhh, he wanted NAtasha so obviously i am not too fond of him. This assignment will be an easy earned A!

Anyways, getting out of the classroom and streaming down the halls with my classmates, we went to our Maths class. Did i mention that i hated this day? I am the worst at maths! Its very warm in the classrooms because we have one of the first good days today and its annoying cuz i have to spend ut at school! These weatjher changes are pulling atr my nerves and giving me a headache. Literally, i do have a headache.

"Y/n, are you okay? You look a little pale" My teacher, Ms. Olsen, asked me a bit concered. "No, yeah. I just have been having a very bad headache all day today" I said with a sad smile to Ms. Olsen. I may not like maths, but Ms. Olsen is a great and caring teacher. "Would you like to see the nurse and see if someone can pick you up? Im sure its not great to have a long day and have a headache all the way through it" She asked me. And if shes giving me the opportunity to escape this hellhole? who am i not to take it? So i nodded and packed up my stuff. Ms. Olsen gave me a hallpass and send me off  to the nurse. "Get well soon, Y/n" She said as i left and i thanked her.

Out in the hallway, i could feel relieve in  my body. I breathed through deeply and made my way to the nurses office. Ms. May was really nice and we talked a lot when we saw each other. Luckily, the office wasnt far away from my maths class and when i arrived, I knocked.

"Come in" I heard from the other side of the door and entered. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Ms. May immediately asked and i replied "ITs okay, i just have a bad headache due to the weather change and would like to call someone to pick me up.." I shyly smiled at her."Yes dear, that is absolutely fine! Do you want a cup of water while you wait here?" I smiled and nodded, Ms May got up to get me some water. In the meantime, i got out my phone to call Natty. 
The phone rang a couple times and i was asking myself what she was doing right now. Either she was training with her sister, Yelena, or Wanda tried to teach her how to cook. Again. After the phone rang 9 times, she finally picked up. "Darling? Are you okay?  Arent you supposed to be in class?" NAtty asked with her soft voice. I loved her voice.. "Hey Love..I hope, i didnt bother you? Yeah, i should be in the maths course right now but ive been having a bad headacjhe all day.. can you pick me up?" I asked with my sweetest puppy voice. She wouldnt say no in the first place, but she would never ever say no when i would use that voice. She loved it and i knew it. "Oh my poor love, of course. Ill be there in 15 minutes!" Natty replied. "Thank you natty, i love you! See you in 15 and take care of yourself!" I said to her. She said she loved me too and then hung up.

These 15 Minutes were soon to pas. I was talking to Ms. May, sipping my water when there was a knock at the door and ms. may told the person to come in. My beautiful ginger girlfriend opened the door and i was more than happy to see her. "Natty!" I smiled and got up to hug her. "It was nice talking to you, Y/N. take care and get well soon, have a beautiful day you two!" Ms. may said before she lead us out of her office. Natasha thanked her for taking care of me and then we said goodbye.

Hand in hand, we walked through the uni, getting to her car. "Are you better now, my love?" Nat asked as we arrived and she opened the door for me. "Yeah i am, thanks to you" I smiled as I sat down.
Nat got in as well and put her hand on my thigh. "Do you wanna play our paylist?" She asked an di nodded with a smile, connecting my phone with her car, that was basically my dads, playing the playlist tht we created together.

The drive to the tower wasnt that long but we made a stop at the store to get some sweets and supplies for baking. It wasnt particularly Natashas favorite activity as she was not one to bake much or in general be in the kitchen but through me, she started to have a liking towards it. But that also might be because she liked seeing me in my apron;) or the flour fights through the tower..

Not long after, we arrived and started to bake immediately. I picked out a recipe for very soft and chewy brown butter cookies with chocolate chips. It was most fun and my mood was lifted very fast. Wanda came by and helped us clean up while the cookies were baking. She got some as a thank you and she directly complimented the taste and how they turned out.
Nat and i grabbed some for ourselves and put the rest on the counter for the other avengers before we headed to our room.
I got into comfy clothes, which basically were short sweats and a tshirt stolen from the closet of my girlfriend. Natty just smiled before changing as well and climbing into bed with me.
We turned on a movie, Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, and cuddled into one another while eating the cookies.

"Thank you for picking me up earlier, Natty" I mumbled before i let out a yawn. "Of course my little niffler. Get some rest" She smiled while she stroked my hair. Not long after, i fell asleep with my head n her lap.

I apologize for i havent been active for a while!:( i didnt have much motivation or inspiration as my school is kinda busy atm and i got some personal issues with my mental health.

i hope youre all doing well, if you ever need anyone to talk to: my dms are open for you!

I love you all 3000

remember to eat and drink!

go for a little walk

and please take care of you, youre so loved!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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