Falling for a fictional Character {Natasha×Fem!Reader}

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This is about the twins Leni and Emily.
They are chilling at their favorite place as suddenly they see a quinjet. They didn't realize what happened, and as they woke up, they were in a glass cell.
Where are they?

Warnings: maybe talk about abusive parents, anxiety {idk though}

Not spell checked!

Pov Emmy
It's been a very beautiful day, and my twin Leni and I decided to go to our favorite place.
"You have everything?" Leni asked and I nodded.
"Got my music box, key, something to drink and snacks, yep have everything" I replied.
Leni and I made our way to the old train bridge. We both were hanging out there a lot.
We loved being there, because we could always calm down our aggressions, cry our souls out after our parents yelled at us again or just chill there.

As we were there, we sat down, turning the music on and sang a bit to our favorite songs.
We talked about our life, our parents and whatsoever.
We both were Fans of the avengers movies, so we also talked about them about our favorite characters since there brought comfort to us.

After almost 3 hours, Leni's eyes widened.
"Sissy? What's up?" I asked concerned.
Leni held her arm, pointing at something behind me.
Just in the moment I turned around, I felt a sharp pain in my back, and everything went dark.

Time Skip 3 days

I slowly opened my eyes, being welcomed by a cell.
I was in a fucking cell. Where was I?
I sat up, gazing around and when I didn't see Leni, I started to panic.
"Leni? Where are you?" I shouted with panic in my voice.
"Em? I.. I dont know, where are you?" Leni shouted back.
It didn't sound like she was far away, but she still wasn't here.
"I don't know either.. " I shouted back before I sat down on the floor, curled up in a ball.
I felt thing I've never felt, as if they were "activated" just now.
I felt a tickling "pain" in my hands, my arms, I my whole body.
What the hell was that?

"They're awake, Sir" I heard a woman's voice.
It wasn't loud, but I heard it, so I looked up.
I couldn't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming.
In front of my cell was a woman with red, short locks and piercing green eyes.
And I would recognize those eyes amongst millions of others.
It was the Black Widow herself.
But how? She's a fictional character.
This cant be true.

I felt her gaze on me, until I heard something in my head.
"What the fuck is going on?" I heard my twin sisters voice.
"Leni? Can.. can you hear me?" I thought.
"Em? What, why, I'm not even speaking!" She replied confused.
"Me neither, it's like some sort of.. telepathy?" I answered.
"Yeah, kind of. Hold on, there's.. Tony Stark? With Peter Parker? Am I dreaming? Those are fictional characters!" She said confused.
"I don't know! Natasha Romanoff is standing in front of my cell, she doesn't take her eyes of.me" I replied, just as confused as Leni was.

"Now see, who's finally awake" I heard Natasha say.
I turned my gaze to her, still sitting at the other end of the cell.
Yes, i love her, I have always loved her in some kind of way, but right now, I was terrified.
"Why are we here?" I asked, almost whispering.
"Why are you here? We want to know your secrets!" Natasha spat out.
She crossed her arms over her chest, never taking her eyes off me.
"What secrets?" I asked back.
"Don't act like you don't know, Emily" she said.
I looked at her with wide eyes, pulling my knees close to my chest.
"How do you know.. my name?" I asked.
"Can't you just stop asking dumb questions? Im here to ask you, you're being a brat!" Natasha looked at me, trying to read me.
I was completely closed, I have never opened up to anybody else then my sister.
"Leni? What are they doing to you?" I asked my sister over telepathy.
"They're asking me about secrets we're supposed to know.." she replied.
I nodded to myself, still looking at Natasha.
"Tony? She won't talk!" Nat said into her coms.
A few seconds later, she said "I think we may need Wanda for this. She'll be back from her mission in a week. Maybe we should ask Fury if he wants to talk to the twins?"
"Okey good" She said again.
"Emily? I'll be back, don't go away. Oh as if you had a chance" she laughed sarcastically.
She turned around and went away.
I looked at her, hurt because of her comment.
How could you even love a person you didn't know existed?

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