Help me.. {Mom!Lizzie×Fem!Reader}

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Y/n has a boyfriend, who happens to be abusing her.
Shes scared of ending things with him, so she just sticks around, hoping her mother, Elizabeth Olsen, wouldn't find out.
Y/n is 16 in this.

Requested by: eleaykenssanm123

Warnings: mention of abuse, anxiety, rape

{Not spell checked}

Nobody's pov:

"Stay still!" Your boyfriend, Jake, yelled at you.
You were shaking as he rose his hand again and hit you in the face.
Tears were falling down and you mumbled
"Stop, please"
"What did you say?" He groaned while punching you again.
By now, you had a bleeding lip and nose, and you surely had a blue-ish bruise by your eye.
"This is what you get for not listening to me, understood?!" Jake yelled again and you nodded slightly.
"I asked you something, Whore!"
"Yes, yes I understood" you mumbled.
Then he grabbed your hand and pulled you up to kiss you.

Why you were with him?
You loved Jake. Even if he was abusive towards you.
It had all started so sweet, he was so kind and gentle but lately, he's been hitting and kicking you.
You didn't know what to do, and you were afraid to break up with him.
You were afraid of what he'd do if you did.

Then your phone rang and you looked it.
"Mom♥️" it said.
You looked at Jake for approval to answer the call and he nodded.
"Yeah, Mom?" You asked while picking up.
"Hey Honey, I was wondering when you'd come home, I made your favorite food and we could watch a movie?" Your mother, Elizabeth Olsen, asked.
You looked at Jake and he nodded.
"Yeah, that'd be great, I'll be home in 10, love you, bye" as you said this, Jake hung up and handed you your jacket and shoes.
You put them on, and Jake said
"Remember, when she asks, you-"
"I fell, i know. Love you Baby, bye" you finished his sentence, kissed him and went outside.

As you were out, you started crying a bit, making it look like you just fell so your mother wouldn't wonder.
You made your way home and opened the door, to be greeted by the smell of Mac 'n' Cheese.
"I'm home, mom!" You said while taking your jacket and shoes off.
Then you went into the kitchen where your mother was sat.
As she saw you, her happy smile was replaced with a worried look.
"Honey, what happened?" She asked concerned.
"Nothing Mom, I tripped and fell, that's all" you said with a reassuring smile.
"Come with me, I'll clean you up Honey" Elizabeth said while taking your hand and guiding you upstairs to the bathroom.
She sat you on the counter and started cleaning your face.
You winced a bit in pain, but it was okey.

"All done, now let's eat, and you can tell me about your day, yeah?" Your mom said and you nodded.
You both went down and started eating.
"So, what did you do?"
"I was just out with some friends, we got some Starbucks and were on a long walk. Jake was there too, it was fun" you said while looking down at your food.
Yes, Elizabeth knew about Jake, but not about what he did to you.
"That sounds fun" Your mom smiled.
You looked up to give her a smile before turning back to your food.

After you both ate, you washed the plates and then went to watch a movie.
You decided to watch The Greatest Showman since it was your favorite.
You sang every song with your mom and it was so much fun.
For the first time in a few weeks, you had a real smile in your face.
"I love you, Honey" Elizabeth said to you.
"I love you too, Mom" you said back before drifting off to sleep.

~Time Skip a few days~

"Jake, stop! Please!" You whimpered in pain but he only went faster.
He was hovering over you, by lust darkened eyes, pounding into you hard and moaning.
You were a whimpering mess under him, wanting him to stop.
It wasn't your first time, he was actually gentle at your first time.
But you didnt like him being so rough.
It hurt, he wasn't showing any mercy.
Soon, he reached his high and pulled out, laying down next to you and giving you a kiss.
You tried to stand up, knowing he wouldn't do the aftercare.
But Jake hold you, saying
You had no chance winning an argument so you just laid down, falling asleep crying.

The next morning you woke up to Jake being gone.
You turned around seeing a piece of paper
"I'm out with friends, you can go home if you want or even can walk. Love you"

You tried to stand up, and to walk to the bathroom.
Surprisingly you could walk, even though you were stumbling a little bit.
You showerd to get rid of everything that happened yesterday.
You cleaned yourself before getting out and then dried yourself.
After that, you put on your clothes, took your keys and put on shoes and jacket.
Then you took your phone, leaving Jake's house.

Pov Y/n

As I was home, I hoped that my mom was at work.
"Mom?" I asked slightly.
No answer.
I made my way up to my room, taking off my clothes, taking new ones out and  showered again.
The memories of what happened just wouldn't go out of my head.
As I was under the shower, I started crying again.
I cleaned myself aggressively, wanting go get rid of his smell, his touch, his everything.
Yes, I loved him, but he never raped me.
I just felt so gross.
I knew, it wasn't my fault, but still, I felt awful.

After I showerd, I put on my clothes and laid down in my bed, turning on my TV.
I decided to watch Riverdale, since I loved it.
3 episodes later, I was deeply asleep.

It happened again
And again and again.
I couldn't stop him.
It hurt so bad.
After it all stopped, I ran home to tell my mother.
"Mom?" I asked as I came in.
"What're you doing here, I thought you were with Jake? And why are you naked?" My mom asked shocked.
"I.. he raped me, mom.." I said crying.
"Finally. You deserved this. Now go back to him, I have things to do!" She said with a devilish grin.
"" I asked.
"Go!" She yelled at me and closed the door as I stood outside.
My mother just.. threw me out..After I told her Jake raped me..

And then I was woken up by someone shaking me slightly.
I was sweating, shaking and crying.
"Honey, shhh.. its fine, it was just a dream Baby" my mom said in a calm voice, pulling me close and rocking me back and forth.
I couldn't stop shaking, and I wasn't able to breathe properly.
"Honey, look at me, please" mom said.
I looked up to see her concerned gaze.
"Okey, breath in.. and out" she helped me breathing until my breath was even again.
"You wanna tell me what the dream was about?" She asked.
I started telling her and by the end I was crying again.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I would never ever throw you out or yell at you or say those things. But why did you dream this?" Mom asked.
"because.. h..he did it.." I  whispered sobbing.
"Oh my God, y/n.. I.." she started but I cut her off.
"Don't say sorry, it's not your fault Mom.. you remember the times I'd come home with bruises? It was him.. I was afraid he'd hurt you if I broke up with him.."
"I will never ever let him hurt you. Ever again. We're telling the police and he'll get what he deserves" mom said while pulling me into a tight hug.
We just cuddled like this for a while, falling asleep.

Hey Hunny Bunnies<3
Another chapter, and I hope you liked it<3

I love you all 3000♥️

I decided to may take a little break from posting, just a few days.
It's been a bit rough for me lately, and I hope u aren't mad at me♡

Remember to eat and drink ♡
Go for a little walk ♡
And always remember that you are not alone♡

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