Anorexia {Lizzie×Scarlett×Fem!Reader}

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Y/n is an actress, and she met her wifes through a movie they did together. Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson.
Y/n has always had trouble with eating and stuff, but Scar and Lizzie didn't knew about her anorexia.
And y/n never wanted them to find out.

Warnings: Eating Disorder, anxiety, small smut ig

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Third person:

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" you whispered as you heard your wifes coming home.
You were currently in the bathroom, throwing up everything you've eaten the last two days.
It wasn't much though.
"Baby? We're home!" Liz yelled.
"Coming!" You yelled back after you've cleaned your mouth, brushed your teeth and then went downstairs.
Immediately, you were welcomed in a hug.
"How's your day been, Baby?" Scarlett asked as she took off her jacket.
"It was good, how about yours?" You replied simply.
"We missed you, but it was good too" Liz said, also taking off her jacket.
"I missed you too" you said with a forced smile.
"What are we doing tonight?" Scar asked and you replied
"What about Movies?"
They agreed and went to change into cozy clothes.

PoV y/n:

I set everything up, put blankets on the couch, turned our TV on and everything.
I also made sure that my body couldn't be seen through my hoodie.
Then I grabbed some snacks, sat down and waited for my beautiful wifes.
Scarlett, Lizzie and I met about 6 years ago as we were shooting a movie together, and I immediately fell for both of them. I was very scared to tell either of them, since i was too afraid that none of them would feel the same or think i was weird for loving two women at the same time. I talked to Brie about that as she was my best friend as she set up a date for us three, neither of us having an idea of what was going on in that moment. It was a lovely night at the beach and we eventually confessed our love for each other and well, now we are married.

"hello my sweet sweet angel, how have you been?" Scarly said as she sat down on one side of me as Lizzie sat on the other. "I have been quite good" I smiled at them, letting myself melt into their embrace. "I am glad. Now, we are hungry, wanna eat? We brought chinese, your favourtite, Baby" Lizzie said as Scar put the food in the table. My stomach turned by just the thought of food or eating. With a forced smile I said "Yeah, sure" and thats when Scar handed me my food and we all started eating. "Do we wanna watch Cruella?" Lizzie asked as she ate her spring rolls. "yes please, y/n loves that movie, dont you, darling?" scar askes, stroking a strand of my hair out of my face. I actually like to keep my hair in my face as i noticed, that i had gotten so thin that you coukd see my cheek bones very much clear.

Scarletts gaze lingered on my face for a few seconds too long before i quickly put my hair over my face again and nodded. Lizzie turned on Cruella and I hesitantly started eating.

Halfway through the movie, Scar and lizzie had already finished their food, but me? I was still eating. and i didnt even eat half of it. "Arent you hungry, my love?" Lizzie asked concerned, seeing as I hadnt really eaten much. Silently, i just shook my head "No, not so much" I said. A few seconds after that i felt my stomach turning. "I will be right back, keep the movie going i wont be long" I said, stood up and went to the bathroom. Quickly, i crouched down in front of the toilette, throwing up what i had just eaten. It didnt take me long, but i quickly brushed my teeth, putting on a fake smile and went back to my sweet wifes, who had cuddled up together on the couch. I sat down nex to lizzie, pulling my legs up and continued watching the movie.

Quick pov of scar

As y/n stood up to go to the bathroom, i looked at Lizzie concerned. "Something is wrong with y/n, have you noticed?" i said and lizzie nodded "Yes, i agree. she seems off, she hasnt eaten much of her food and she didnt simp over cruella, like she usually does. I wonder whats going on in her pretty head." "Too bad you dont actually have Wandas magic, you could just take a small look and we would now it" I said while pulling her close, giving her kisses all over her face. "Yes, too bad. But you still look as hot as Natasha does, you know?" Lizzie replied while kissing my neck slightly, which made a small moan escape my lips. " Lizzie, not now. I mean i would love to, but i wanna know whats up with y/n first" " I understand, me too"

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