Home alone {Lizzie× fem reader}

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You're alone at home, because your girlfriend was filming today.
You decided to have a day just to yourself.

Warning: smut, mastubation

It was Friday and your girlfriend Lizzie was working today.
She was filming a new avengers movie.
She left early, giving you a kiss and saying "I will be back this afternoon or evening, and then we both will have the whole weekend together, just us two. I promise"
You nodded and she left.

It was now around 10 am because after Lizzie left, you eventually fell asleep for a couple hours.
As you woke up, you didn't feel the warmth of you girlfriend and remembered that she was at work.
You yawned while standing up and getting down into the kitchen.
After you took a look into your fridge, you decided to make yourself some pancakes.
You put on your favorite music, sang and danced to your favorite songs while making your breakfast.

You took out a plate after you made your food, placed the pancakes on it and took them to the living room, sitting down on the couch.
You couldn't decide what you wanted to watch, so you just started watching WandaVision again for the millionth time.
Seeing your girlfriend made you really happy.

You ate your food, watched the episodes from WandaVision and at 2 pm, you changed your clothes and went on a little walk to get some fresh air after staying in the whole day.
The sun was shining and it was warm. You smiled because this was your favorite weather.

You walked past some of your favorite places, taking a small break ok a bench near a river.
You thought about Lizzie, about the way she could make you happy, about the way she smiled at you when you blushed slightly, about the way only she could make you scream her name.
Just the thought of her naked body has got you wet and you stood up to get home.

As soon as you got home, you took a shower, thinking about what you could do.
Suddenly an idea popped into your head.
There were many, quite detailed story's and oneshots about sex with your girlfriend/ the character she played: Wanda Maximoff.
You loved those stories and you were always reading them when Lizzie was at work.

After the shower, you dried yourself, dried your hair as you went into your shared bedroom, making yourself comfortable on your bed.
You took your phone, searching for good oneshots and as soon as you found a book with Oneshots, you started reading them.
There were many detailed scenes, and you kinda asked yourself how and why people imagine having sex with an actress or a movie character. You couldn't blame them, you were like this before you met Lizzie and fell in love with her even more. She didn't knew this of you, even though you told each other everything.
You brought your focus back to the story you were reading right now.
It was about y/n and the rest of the avengers playing truth or Dare.
Wanda had the dare to sit on y/n's lap and turning her on.
Wanda whispered  "Do you like this position? Do you like this position?" while she started kissing y/n's neck.
Things turned out to end in the bedroom.
You were so turned on by what you were reading, so you started touching yourself.
You twirled you nipples between you fingers, slightly moaning, imagining it was Lizzie who did that.
You kept reading, slowly sliding your hand down to your heated core.
You slid one finger over your wet folds, moaning at the touch.
You slid one finger inside you, starting to move it.
Soon you took another finger, letting your phone fall onto the bed as your other hand started to please your breats.
You moaned at your own touch, sliding a third finger inside you as you kept moaning.

What you didn't hear through your moans and because you were in your world, imagining it was your girlfriend who pleased you like this, was that exactly that woman came home from work.
"Y/n? Baby I am home!" Lizzie shouted as she came through the door.
She didn't saw you, but as she got to the staircase which led to your shared bedroom, she heard your moans.
She smirked and sneaked upstairs, so you wouldn't notice her.
Elizabeth opened the door slowly, trying not to scare you.
She wanted to watch you, feeling she was getting wet. All because of your moans.
She looked at you, laying in the bed playing with yourself.
She slightly groaned at the sight of you.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now