Enemies to Lovers {Natasha×Fem!Reader}

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You've always lived with the avengers and you got along with everyone. Everyone but a certain red-headed Russian.
You didn't know why, but you hated each other.
But even if this hate was between you both, you liked her more than you would admit to yourself.

Warnings: smut, mommy kink, lip biting

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Pov Y/n:

I was woken up by my alarm going off.
With a groan, I reached to my phone to turn it off.
6 am. Damn it.
I lived at the avengers tower, and we recently had a long mission but today I had to train and Tony was throwing a party tonight.
I was looking forward you know. I loved Tony's parties.
But there'd be, of course, one person, who I hated. And she hated me.
Natasha Romanoff. We never got along, even though I didn't know why.
She hated me from the first time we met. All we spoke was a bit when training, or on missions.
But everytime I saw her, I had such a weird feeling in my stomach. My whole body was tickling and I didn't know what it was.

I got out of my thoughts as I heard a loud bang on my door.
"Y/l/n get the fuck up!" Natasha yelled.
"Shut up, I'm on my way Romanoff" I yelled back.
I quickly pulled out leggins and my sports bra, grabbed my water bottle and a towel and went to the gym.
Natasha was, of course, already there, annoyed and waiting for me.
"Thought you'd never come" she said.
"Why the fuck can't I spare with Bucky? Or Steve?" I whispered to myself.
I went to Natasha, and she immediately threw a punch at me.
I blocked her, fighting her back until I had her pinned to the ground.
"You aren't as good as you think, Romanoff" I said grinning.
"You think?" She said, turning us around and looking at me.
"I hate you" I mumbled.
"So do I" she smiled.
It was a sarcastic smile buy oh my God, my stomach did flips.

We trained for a couple hours, until Wanda came to get me.
"Y/n, come one, I need your help" she said and took my hand.
She pulled me with her and looked for bruises.
"Are you okey?" She asked.
"Yeah, she wasn't as hard as usually" I replied while we were walking to my room.
We talked, and as we were at my door, I said "Let me get a shower, then I'll come eat. And after that, we're going to pick our outfits for tonight."
Wanda nodded and I jumped under the shower.

After the shower and the food, Wanda pulled me to her room.
"Okey, I have a few options and I don't know which one I should wear" she said while pulling out 3 dresses.
One was in a dark blue and reached to her ankles.
The second one was red with lacey sleeves and it reached her knees.
The last one was black, reaching her knees with a slit up to her thighs.
"Wow, they're beautiful! Try them on please" i said.
She did as I told her, and in the end I said.
"They all look stunning! But if I were you, I'd go for the black one. It looks sexy" I said smiling.
Wanda was my best friend, and we were always play flirting.
Wanda thanked me and I went to my room to get my dress..

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