Ms. Romanoff {Nat×Fem!Reader}

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Y/n has moved to New York and is new at the college.
She has always wanted to learn Russian, since part of her family is Russian.
She knew, she had the chance at the college, but as her first lesson started, she knew that learning Russian wasn't as easy as she thought.

Requested by: MARINEP2487

Warnings: idk yet

{Not spell checked}
{Also, im not Russian so everything that is written in "this font" is being said in russian}
PoV Y/n:

"Vaffanculo..(Fuck off)" i groaned as my alarm went off.
First day of school.
New school.
I moved here with my dad a few weeks ago, because he had to switch his job.
Yeah well, Hi I'm y/n y/l/n and I was in 12th grade now.
I hated switching schools because it wasn't really easy at making new friends.
Anygays, I look at my phone, seeing that it was 6:30 already.
School starts at 7:30, i know, Still an hour but I have to shower, pick an outfit, eat breakfast, go to school AND find my classroom.
Oh and before I find my classroom, i need my timetable.

So I get up, take a quick shower and then come out to pick an outfit for today..
"I have nothing to wear" I mumbled to myself and keep looking through my closet until i find something.
"That looks good"

{Y/n's outfit}I made my way downstairs, my father not being home since he had already gone to work

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{Y/n's outfit}
I made my way downstairs, my father not being home since he had already gone to work.
But he made me lunch.
I grabbed myself a bowl and my muesli and milk and made myself some breakfast.
I cut banana into it and then ate it.
As I finished,  I put my bowl into the sink, grabbed my schoolback and phone and left the house.
I already knew, where my school was, and knowing it wasn't far away, I could chill a bit.

When I arrived at school it was only 7:10 and I went to the principals office to get my time table.
The woman at the front desk seemed nice, so I asked shyly.
"Uhm, Hi, I'm Y/n y/l/n. I'm new and I kinda need my timetable"
"Ahh, yes Y/n, here you go. Have a nice day, Lovely!" The woman smiled at me.while handing me my time table.
I thanked her and left the office, looking at what I had first.
I cheered a bit, since I always wanted to learn this language.
I wasn't directly fluent, but I knew a bit since my father's parents are from Russia.

But where's the classroom?
I saw a kind looking boy with wavy brown hair and brown eyes standing at the lockers.
Shyly I walked over to him, asking.
"Excuse me? I'm y/n, new here and I wanted to ask if you know where the Russian class is?"
"Hii, I've already heard about you. I'm Chase, and you can come with me, I'm in that class too. But don't be surprised, there are almost only boys  because the teacher, Miss Romanoff, everyone thinks she's hot. I mean she is, but nah  I'm more for the PE teacher, Mr. Brown. He's hot. And if Ms. Romanoff is a bit "harsh" on you, don't worry, she doesn't really like anybody" Chase explained.
"Okey, doenst sound too bad I guess" I laughed.
We both talked a bit until we came to the Russian classroom.
Chase opened the door for me and we both got in.
"Where would you like to sit?" Chase asked and I pointed to two seats at the front.
"There,  if you'd like?" I said and he nodded.
We made our way over to the seats  dat down and waited.
Some students came in after us, and as Chase said, it was only boys.
Chase and I talked a bit until we heard the classroom door being shut.

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