i cant take it anymore (Teacher!LizziexLittle!Reader)

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y/n is too overwhelmed by her family problems, her life in general. One day in class shes just so overwhelmed that she starts breaking down.

Warnings: panic attack, talk of family issues, self harm

disclaimer: i have never written a little reader but i will try my best!

PoV Y/n

Another day, another slay. thats what i would say if i didnt feel like the worst piece of shit out there.

I slept awful, woke up so many times and just had such bad headaches since weeks.

My family is acting like shit towards me. My parents have been divorced ever since i can remember. Its been always a "chose me as the better parent" between them and they talked shit about each other no matter with whom i was.

I was living with my mom, and yes, we had good times, but sometimes the bad times were just winning the overhand. I didnt feel comfortable in my own home, even tho i couldnt call it home anymore. There was barely a place where i could feel a 100% comfortable. Due to all this shit happening, i found myself finding comfort in age regressing. When i am big, im 18 years old, but when i regress, im in the mindset of a 3-4 years old. I love all my stuffies a lot, also have some very pretty Pacis! regressing helped me a lot with coping with all this drama going on. Sometimes tho, its getting real bad and i need to have other ways of coping, even if they Arent good for me.

Luckily, i had this one teacher. Her name was Ms. Olsen and i met her last year. i came new into the class and was really scared. the very first lesson was a bit overwhelming for me, especially since i couldnt fall into little space while at school. i always carry a little stuffy and a paci with me in case something happens, but i never regressed in school and i was scared itd happen. After the class, i had my first ever class with Ms. Olsen. she was really kind and smiled a lot.

Over the months, i found myself always wanting to be close to her. she knew about my problems because shes the only one i really trust talking to about this. She doesnt know im a little, barely anyone knows that. But Ms. Olsen is a very good listener and so shes the one who makes me feel a little more home whenever shes there.

11:27 am, classroom

Ive been having a really bad day today. Someone was yelling a lot this morning and it reminded me of all the arguments my parents had over me. They always yelled. Also, the first classes where really too much for me. I was supposed to do a presentation and i was really short before a mental breakdown. Its really difficult for me to speak in front of other people.

"Hey freak!" one boy, Liam, of my class yelled, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. I tried to ignore him and kept focusing on my work. The teacher was out of the classroom right now because she had to copy something. I was doodling something in the corner of the work sheet as Liam and his friend kept calling me stupid names. "Freak, i am talking to you, answer a man when he talks to you!" he said. I ignored him even more, feeling my mind slip away.

I glanced up to the clock, it showing me that class would end in a few. 11:40 was the end of it. And then, id see Ms. Olsen.

"Did you know you look just as stupid as a little cut up zombie? Bet none of your parents care about you, huh? All alone and pathetic little bitch" Liam said. I tried not to show how deep that had hit me. Yeah my scars where visible, yes i was always scared people would see or make comments.

I swallowed hard, biting my lips and squeezing my eyes shut so i could close in the tears that threatened to escape. I felt my thoughts slip. felt myslef craving my paci and my plushy and at the same time i just wanted to.. feel something.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now