Cramps {Wanda Maximoff×Fem!Reader}

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I think title says it<3

Warnings: pure fluff

{Not spell checked}

Third PoV:

It was 6 am and y/n was woken up due to major pain.
She opened her eyes, biting her lip before looking at her girlfriend Wanda, who was still peacefully at sleep.
Y/n got out of the bed as slowly and quietly as she could, not wanting to wake up Wanda.
She made her way to the bathroom, looking for pain killers.
When she didn't find any, she groaned to herself.
Y/n got back, just to see that Wanda was sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"Baby, why are you awake? It's 6 in the morning" the brunette asked.
"Cramps" y/n muttered.
"Aww, Baby, don't we have any pain killers anymore?" Wanda asked with a small smile.
She knew, that if y/n was on her period, her cramps where always incredibly bad.
One time they even had to get an ambulance because y/n was about to pass out from the pain.
Since then, Wanda always made sure to have any medicine at home.
Y/n shook her head no at Wanda's question and sat down in front of Wanda.
Wanda pulled her into a hug, slowly rubbing her stomach to ease the pain a bit.
Y/n cuddled close, hiding her face in Wanda's neck, a few tears slipping out of her eyes.
"Is it so bad?" Wanda asked, stroking her back and feeling the wetness of her girlfriends tears on her skin.
Y/n nodded so Wanda picked her up and carried her to the kitchen.
"Lets get you a jot water bottle, Darling, hm? And maybe Pepper has some pain killers, or Carol." Wanda said while placing the y/hc girl on the kitchen counter.
Y/n wiped her tears while holding her stomach since the pain was so bad.
"JARVIS, could you maybe get Pepper and Carol to the kitchen, please?" Wanda asked the AI.
"Mrs. Potts and Miss Danvers have been informed, Miss Maximoff" the AI said not only 5 seconds later.

Two tired looking women came into the kitchen, while Wanda looked at them apologetically.
"Im really sorry if I have woken you two, but I was wondering if you maybe had pain killers for this little one here?" Wanda asked, pointing at y/n.
Peppers and Carol's facial expressions immediately softened, since they knew how y/n was when she was on her period.
"Yeah I have some, let me get them for you" carol said, softly smiling and turned to get the pain killers.

Wanda had finished the hot water bottle and handed it to y/n, who was lost in her thoughts.
A few tears rolling down her cheeks, holding her stomach cuz of the pain.
"Poor girl, imma make you both a tea, hm?" Pepper said and Y/n just nodded.
Pepper made tea for them all, until Carol came back.
She handed Wanda the medicine, which immediately took one, grabbed a glass of water and handed it to y/n.
"Here Love, this will help you" Wanda smiled as y/n took the pain killer and swallowed it with the water.
Wanda took ger of the kitchen counter and placed her on her lap, sitting down in a chair.
Pepper placed the tea in front of them and gave them a reassuring smile before sitting down too.
Carol joined them, and the four girls drank their teas and talked a bit.
Y/n would barely respond since she never talked that much while she was in pain.
After she emptied her tea cup, she hid her face in Wanda's neck, cuddling her like a koala.
Wanda smiled at the girl, and kept talking to Pepper and Carol for a bit.

At some point, y/n must've fallen asleep in Wanda's lap, because her breath was even and she didn't talk.
"I'm gonna bring this koala to bed, thank you both so much" Wanda whispered and Carol and Pepper wished them a "Good night".
Wanda headed to their shared bedroom and placed her girlfriend on the bed before laying down next to her.
She pulled her close and pulled the covers over them.
Wanda was rubbing y/ns stomach to keep her calm, and soon she fell into a deep slumber.

PoV Y/n

I was woken up by my girlfriend kissing my neck slightly.
I opened my eyes slowly, feeling pain in my stomach.
Oh no, not this-, I thought to myself.
"Your thoughts are loud, Baby. How are you feeling?" Wanda asked, before turning me around so I looked at me.
"Like a piece of shit actually" I replied half smirking.
Wanda chuckled and pulled me into a hug.
"How late is it?" I asked and Wanda looked at her phone.
"Uhmmm, it's almost 1 pm" Wanda said.
"What? How did we sleep so long? I usually wake up before 9 am!" I replied.
"Darling, it's okey. You needed this sleep, okey? Sleeping helps with the pain" Wanda smiled at me.
I nodded and mumbled a bit grumpy "I'm hungry, can we get food? I want ice cream"
Wanda chuckled "Someone having mood switches? But yes, we can, Baby"
Wanda stood up and I made grabbed hands.
She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist.
We got me pain killers and I took them.
Then we headed to the kitchen and she placed me on a chair.
"Natasha? Pietro?" Wanda asked and both of them came to us.
"Yeah Wands, what's up?" Nat asked back.
Nat and Pietro were our best friends out of everyone here. Of course, I got along with everybody but, well, I was closest with Wanda, Nat and Pietro. Oh and Pepper and Tony, because they were like parent figures to me.
"Could you two, if that's okey, get to the store and get some things for me? Well, for y/n?" Wanda asked.
"Is it this time of the month?" Natasha asked with a small smile at me.
I nodded and she hugged me.
"Poor little girl. And yes, of course. Just tell us what you want, Love" she said to me.
I was thinking for not long until I replied "Uhm, chocolate ice cream, lots of ice cream, brownies and cookies. Oh I would also love any kind of chocolate please. And caramel omg"
"Someone's craving chocolate, hm?" Pietro asked while smiling at me.
I blushed and nodded.
Wanda hugged me from behind and thanked her twin and her best friend before they left.
Then, Wanda got back to making pancakes.

She finished and then, Steve came in.
He grabbed one of my pancakes and I shot a death glare at him.
"Capsicle, those are mine" I said angrily.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Y/n, won't happen again, don't kill me please" Steve immediately apologized by a look at me.
He knew to not steal my food or to mess with me in those few days.
"Shoot, who killed who?" Bucky asked as he got into the kitchen.
"I didn't kill anyone yet. Well okey that's a lie, but today I havent killed anyone yet." I replied with a small smirk, still in a grumpy voice.
"Woah tigress, calm down" Bucky grinned.
"Don't call me Tigress, metal arm. And you Capsicle, don't fucking laugh into yourself, you know I hear and see everything" I replied.
Wanda tried to hide her laugh, while Bucky and Steve quickly left the kitchen.
My girlfriend placed the pancakes, which she decorated with strawberries and whipped cream, in front of me.
I stood up so Wanda could sit down and then I sat on her lap.
"There, all for you, Darling" Wanda said while she fed me.
"Hmm, those are amazing, Wands" I said with a full mouth.
She smiled and kept feeding me.

Once I finished, I wanted to help Wanda with the dishes, as a sharp pain went through my lower stomach.
"Holy fuck, shit" I whispered while sitting back down.
Wanda immediately came to rub my stomach.
With her magic, she turned on the kettle for a new hot water bottle.
I leaned onto her chest, biting my lips.
I didn't wanted to cry over damn cramps.
But I had to.

After Wanda and I stood like this for around 15 minutes, we heard people come into the kitchen.
It was Pietro and Nat.
They got everything I said I needed/wanted.
Wanda helped them put the things away, but left one of the ice creams on the table so we could take it to our room.
"Thanks you both, so much, you are life savers" I said while putting my spoon into the ice cream.
"Who's life did we save? Yours, or ours?" Pietro said with a chuckle.
"Probably both" I giggled.

After we talked for a bit, Wanda took the bags with the chocolate and the caramel and everything and carried me back to our room.
We shared my ice cream, which was rare since I never shared it with anyone.
Wanda put on my favorite movie and I cuddled close to her.
Besides my cramps, it was a great day.
Laying in bed, watching movies and eating ice-cream.

Yeah okey I did write a small oneshot.
I felt like writing this, since I feel exactly like this right now omg-
It's basically pure Wanda fluff.
I hope so much that you liked and, and AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!
I love you all 3000!

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Remember to eat and drink♡
Go for a little walk ♡
And remember that I love you incredibly ♡

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