Rough day (yellyxReader)

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Just some short and cute Yelena fluff for you all<3

Warnings: having a bad day

PoV: Y/N

"youve got to be kidding me" i groaned out when my boss placed another stack of paper work on my desk. All i have been doing today was write. My hand was hurting.

To all our luck, our pc's didnt work and so i had to do everything by hand. I was in pain, i was tired and i was hungry. My lunchbreak had been cut short because of an emergency that my boss had. what was it? right, i needed to go to his home and feed his turtle and walk his dog. Why am i always the one whos supposed to do such things? Its not like my day has been the most exhausting already.

I woke up at 5 just to be here on time at half past 6, just to get yelled at that i was late. Yes, i was, but only because i rushed this morning to get coffee for me and my boss, like everyday, but it was so busy at the Starbucks and so i came in like 5 minutes late. My boss didnt even thank me for the coffee but complained as it apparently was the wrong order.

All my colleagues were on edge today. Normally we had nice and good convos while working. But today? everyone seemed to yell at each other or not bother talking at all.

Today i really just felt like murdering someone..

Looking beside me, i saw my phone going off. It was my girlfriend, yelena. "Hey babe" i answered the call, massaging my temples. "Hey my love, i was wondering when youd get off work?" She asked me, i could hear that she was a bit worried. "In about an hour maybe, im sorry its so late today.. If youre tired, dont wait for me and go to bed, okay?" i replied. It was already half past 9pm and i was so tired of all the work. "Oh honey, its okay. Please take care of you, yeah? i love you" Yelly said. "I love you too" I replied before we hung up. All i wanted to do today was honestly just crawl up on the couch with her, eat ice cream and watch Greys anatomy.

About an hour later, the office was quiet and dark. I was finally finished with all papers and i was more than happy about it. I needed to get out of my clothes, take a shower and then i need a wine. Like really badly.

Walking to the exit of our office, I saw that it was raining. My car wasnt parked that far away but id still get soaked by the rain. Running over to the parking lot where my car stood there lonely, i was freezing. Drenched in rain, i stood in front of my car

"where are my keys..?" I looked through my bag, yet not finding anything. "Are you fucking kidding me now?" I screamed, hitting car in frustration. As i really didnt wanna go up into the building again, i got out my phone and called a taxi real quick.

When the taxi came, i was drenched in rain even more, trembling and just so fed up by this day. Luckily the taxi driver didnt talk to me much and when we arrived at my house, i paid her and gave a generous tip.

Yelena and i had a spare key hidden under a rock and i took it to open our door.

The house was quiet, Fanny seemed to be upstairs and Yelena in our bedroom. On quiet toes I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water before i took off my shoes.

"Youre home" I heard yelly as the lights turned on. "And youre still awake?" I asked as i turned to her.

"I wanted to wait for you. You sounded very off on the phone and i assumed you had a rough day. Come here baby" She said, opening her arms. I walked over to get embraced in her hug. And then i just let it all out. I started sobbing and she just held me. she didnt ask, she was there, and thats what i appreciated so deeply about her.

When my sobbing got less, yelly took my face in her hands, looked at me and said "Baby lets get you upstairs, i made you a bath so you can relax, and while you do that, ill make you some food. Im sure you hadnt had much time to eat" I nodded and smiled while we went up. She helped me undress and then helped me into the bathtub. She lit some candles and had lavender oil in the bath. "Yelly? Thank you" I told her with a smile before she left. "always, my love" she said back.

I fell asleep in the bathtub for a bit. The hot water let my muscles relax and it just felt so good and so soothing. Yelly had laid out my favorite hoodies form hers, cozy Pyjama pants and fuzzy socks. When i was done with the bath and drying myself, i put on the clothes and went downstairs. "Sit down honey, im about to be finished" She told me with a smile. The whole kitchen smelled deliciously like her mac and cheese and my stomach was grumbling.

When she placed the plate infront of me, i started digging in, not caring whether the food was hot. "Baby its okay, take it slow, nobodys gonna steal that from you" Yelena laughed and i grinned, but in fact did slow down. We talked a bit while I ate, and when i finished the plate, we just put it in the sink. We grabbed the bottle of wine and chocolate ice cream, going into our living room. Yelena sat down so i could could cuddle into her side while she turned on greys anatomy and gave me a spoon for my ice cream.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened today?" Lena asked, not forcing me into talking.

"It was an awful day. The morning started with being yelled at at work because i was too late and..." I started telling my girlfriend all about my long and tiring day. She listened to everything i said, she didnt interrupt me. She got to hear my day in all single small details, from the wrong coffee order over my cut of lunchbreak to how i forgot the keys and got soaked by cold rain.

"Oh my love that really sounds awful.. Im sorry your day was like this.." Yelena said and kissed my cheek. "Its okay honey, im just glad im back home with the most amazing and caring girlfriend" I said back to her with a smile.

we talked for a little more while watching greys anatomy, her and i were laying on the couch, me on top of yelena. this day has really gotten the best of me, which made me very tired and so i slowly felt myself falling asleep on yellys chest. "I love you" was the last thing i whispered to her before my eyes closed and i fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.

My loves! Its been a while. I didnt have much motivation and sadly my hand is still injured. But good news: ill get operated next Tuesday and it will hopefully get better!

I love you all 3000, i hope you liked this oneshot with my beloved yelly<3

remember to eat and drink

go for a little walk

and remember that i love each one of you so much<3

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