Miss Johansson {SJ×Fem!Reader}

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Part 2 of the Miss Johansson Oneshot!
Some wanted a second part, besides I wanted to write one anyways lol

Warnings: Fluff ig, ED

{Not spell checked}

PoV: Y/N
It's be over one and a half year since I got adopted by Scarlett and Colin.
I'm happier than ever, and my life got better.
It's so much fun, I got very close with Lizzie and everyone.
Scarlett is the best mother I could've ever wished for.
Shes amazing, she always knows when something is up, but she doenst force me to tell her. Scarlett waits until I'm ready to tell her.
She helped, and still helps me with my anxiety attacks.
I didn't cut anymore, and she was incredibly proud of me. How do I o ow that? She tells me every day.
Scarlett and Colin do also support me with every decision I make.

Rose and I had a strong bond, and we both made so much together.
I was always reading for her to fall asleep, we played together and everything.
I was finally part of a real and happy family.

Today we all wanted to have a family day, since Scar and Colin both had a day off.
We wanted to go swimming, since is was very warm, then we wanted to go and have dinner at a restaurant and then we wanted to watch some movies in the evening.
It sounded really fun, and I was so looking forward all the time.
But now, I was standing in front of my body sized mirror and looking at myself.
We got me a new swimsuit and a bikini a few days ago, and I did feel comfortable in them.

We got me a new swimsuit and a bikini a few days ago, and I did feel comfortable in them

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{Swimsuit, sorry if u dont like it}

{Swimsuit, sorry if u dont like it}

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{Bikini, sorry if u don't like it}

But now, I just felt bad.
I tried both of them on, because I wanted to already wear if when we got to the swimming pool so I wouldn't have to change that much, but I just felt incredibly fat.
I stood in front of my mirror, my mind screaming things like:

Youre ugly
You're an embarrassment for your family
Everyone in your family is so thin and beautiful, and then there's you
Eat less! Become thin!
You need to loose weight!
You're not thin enough!

A single tear slipped out of my eye, and I changed back into an over-sized hoodie and wide leggins.
I then sat back down in my bed, took my phone and texted Scar. Yes, she was downstairs in the kitchen, but I couldn't manage going down right now.

Hey, I.. I dont think im going swimming, I don't feel too well right now..

Love, are u sure? Are you okey?


I put my phone away and grabbed my Natasha Pillow.
I then grabbed my notebook, writing down ideas how I could loose weight.
Just in that moment, I heard a knock.
"Yeah?" I asked and Scarlett came in with a concerned look.
She sat down, taking my hand.
"Are you okey? You were so hyped for this day" She said, shortly looking at my notebook which I forgot to put away.
I quickly closed it and put it into my nightstand.
"Yeah, it's okey, I dont wanna ruin your day, so just go" I replied with a forced smile.
Scarlett pulled me into a hug, knowing I wasn't fine.
"I know your not okey, but you know I won't force you to talk. I will tell Colin and Rose, that they can have a father-daughter day, because I will stay with you, okey?" She asked.
"No please, I don't want to ruin your family day" I said pleasing.
"It actually wasn't a question. You are part of our family too, so I will stay with you, okey?" She said again and I nodded.
Scarlett got down, told Colin about everything and Colin and Rose left for a father-daughter day, knowing I needed this time with Scarlett.

After they left, she came back and picked me up.
She gasped a bit "Why are you so light? I made sure you ate enough.." She asked while sitting me down on the couch.
"I.. yeah, I ate with you but remember how I would go up always after a meal? I went into the bathroom.. and threw up.."
"But.. why would you do that, Honey?" She asked very concerned.
I just looked down.
"I wouldn't want to embarrass you all.. I'm not thin enough and I couldn't wear the new swimsuit or the bikini without breaking into tears.." I mumbled.
Scarlett moved me so, that my head was now in her lap.
She started playing with my hair, saying "Honey, you definitely are beautiful enough, the way you are! You're not "fat" you have a beautiful body! You wouldn't embarrass us, because I would be mamma bear to everyone who would say something bad to you would be scared of me"
We both giggled but got serious again.
"Are you sure..? I mean I am absolutely not thin.." I mumbled.
Scarlett grabbed my cheeks so I had to look at her.
"You. Are. Absolutely. Beautiful. Okey?" She said.
I turned my gaze away but she told me to look at her.
"Repeat it. Y/n Johansson is beautiful the way she is." She said.
"Y/n Johansson is beautiful the way she is.." I mumbled.
"Great, now a bit louder so it gets in your pretty head, yeah?"
"Y/n Johansson is beautiful the way she is!" I said with a small smile.
"I love you y/n. And I am thankful that you are my daughter." Scarlett said while placing kisses on my head, forehead and cheeks.

So this one is a bit shorter, but I love Mama Scarlett✋🏻😩
Anygays, I really really hope you liked this short fluff!!

If u liked this one, it would really help me if u voted!♥️

I love you all 3000!

Please eat and drink something
Go for a little walk
And always remember that I love u♥️

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now