Punishment {Florence Pugh×Fem!Reader}

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Y/ns being a little bratty and too touchy while driving to a hotel for the press tour with her girlfriend Flossie;) Y/n uses she/they pronouns<3

Warnings: Mommy Kink, Strap, rough, choking

Short smut ig

PoV: Nobody

"Oh my god y/n stop it now" Florence said annoyed as her girlfriend couldnt and just wouldnt stop being all touchy. Normally, of course, Florence wouldnt say no to this, but as they were driving to a hotel for a press tour, it was really distracting.

"Oh doesn my flossie baby like it?" y/n said with a grin, eyes focused on her girlfriend who had her eyes on the road.

"No, Baby, right now I dont like it. You know i need to focus on the street Babe" Flo said with gritted teeth.

"But Mommy.." y/n whined.

"Nothing But Mommy, I need to focus. so drop it and stop" Flo said with a tone that didnt leave space for arguing.

y/n now sat in the car with crossed arms, pouting and looking out of the window for the rest of the car ride.

Arriving at the hotel/in the hotel

Y/n and Flo had finally reached their hotel as they were meeting up with the marvel cast for the press tour of a new movie. Flo took her partners arm and went inside to check in. The luggage would be taken to their room by the employees of the hotel

"Hey, we had booked a room with a double bed" Flo said to the woman at the reception. The woman had recognized them as they went here often when they were on vacation.

"Oh yes, Ms. Pugh, Ms. y/l/n, you have room 111, your usual. Here is the key. your things had already been brought up. if you need anything else, you know where to find us" the woman said as Flo grabbed the key and took y/ns hand again.

PoV Y/n

Flo dragged me to the elevators, pushing the buttons and impatiently waiting for it to arrive.

"Impatient, are we?" I said with a small smirk, that disappeared quickly as she glared at me. Damn she really was pissed off.

The elevator came and we got in, me pressing the button to the thrid floor. We had a small meeting with the cast bc of tomorrow tonight so Flo and i wanted to get ready. The meeting was in the hotel restaurant and we would talk over it while dinner.

Flo and I got to our room, openig it and going in. Flo still wasnt talking to me and i started to get upset with her. I hadnt really done anything and she was absolutely pissed at me. I just went to my luggage, opening it and getting out one of my shorter, but yet elegant ad not too slutty dresses. It had the right length to tease flo as it was knee lengthened with a small slit that let enough for imagination. And it showed cleavage.

"Im gonna take a shower" I just said, taking my things with em and then i locked the bathroom door, taking off my clothes. The hickeys that Florence had placed on my chest last night were clearly there and would also be seen when i wore the dress. Just as i was about to hop into the shower, i heard the door. "Y/n, babe? can i join?" Flo asked through the door. "Nope, sorry Florence" i answered. she hated when i called her by her full name. I heard her huffing and mumbling something. Then i took my shower, leaving my hair out as i washed it this morning.

As i was finished, i put my hair in a kinda bun but so that it was still fitting for the outfit. I freshed up my make up a little and then got out of the bathroom. "You can shower" I told flo, not even looking at her. "Youre not wearing this, Babe." She said with a stern voice, and i felt her gaze on me. "Oh, you bet i will wear this. its my body and my choice what I wear, Flo." I answered. Flo was about the say something when I cut her off "If you want to shower, you should do it now. We have to be downstairs in half an hour" Flo didnt say anything but just got something out of her bad what i didnt see and went to shower.

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