Soulmates? {ScarJo×Fem!Reader}

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In the world you lived, you couldn't see any other colors than black and white.
Until you met your soulmate.
Y/n was desperate to seeing colors since her best friends have already met their soulmates.
On July 22nd, something happened that nobody would believe could happen.

Warnings: uhmm.. toxic relationship

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An idea by:
{Not spell checked}

PoV y/n

Damn it, I thought.
Chase and Mia, my best friends, were out with their partners.
I was home alone. Again.
Yes of course, I was more than happy for them, but I was also feeling left alone.
My friends could see all those beautiful colors.
I couldn't.
I live in a world, were you could only see colors when you've found your soulmate.
I haven't. Yet.
Slowly, the hope was leaving me.

Mia and Chase always told me to be patient, and that I'd definitely find my soulmate someday.
I was hoping it was a girl, since I was majorly gay. Believe me.
I knew, I shouldn't lose hope, so i was never going to stop. Sooner or later, I'd meet them, would I?

Today, Chase, Mia and we were invited to a party. One of our friends, his name was Luke, threw it.
He said it would be one of his bigger parties, since he was turning 30 today. All of his parties were always amazing, and there were lots of nice people.
Often people I didn't knew, and he made sure to introduce me to everyone.

It was 10pm right now and all of our friends were already at the party and we were almost there.
Chase, Mia and me looked absolutely amazing.
(Pls imagine the outfits yourself<3)
"Do you think you could meet your soulmate at the party?" Mia asked me.
"Hmm, I don't know.. maybe" I said, a little lost in thoughts.
I knew many people from Luke's parties, but there were always new ones.
I was really excited, and full of hopes to meet them.

Once we arrived at the location, we were immediately greeted by Luke and the "Bodyguard" who was standing in front of the club.
"Hello my darlings" Luke said with a smirk.
"Hello Lovely" I smirked back at him and pulled him into a hug.
"Happy Birthday Big One" I chuckled as we pulled away.
"Thank you a lot, Piccolo" He said back after Chase and Mia also said their Happy Birthdays.

Luke lead us inside into the VIP lounge and we sat down.
Here were only his closest friends, while the most other people were dancing.
A waitress asked us what we wanted to drink and as we told her our orders, she quickly disappeared bjt came back soon with our drinks.
"Thank you" I smiled at her.
She smiled back at me and then she left.
Damn.. still no colors..
But hey, the night was only starting.
We had a lot of fun, and soon I found myself on the dancefloor, together with a woman I didn't knew.
She was quite nice and she could dance like the devil.

As the song switched, a woman approached me and the woman I was dancing with. Next to her was another girl, I also didn't knew.
What happened then, made me lose my balance for a short time.
The one woman had blonde hair and green eyes.. she wore a beautiful dark purple and short dress, her lips in a dark red.
The woman next to her was a brunette with blue strands, her eyes in a beautiful blue.
She wore a short red dress which hugged her curves perfectly.
My mouth opened and I choked on air.
For the first time in 25 years I could see something else that only black and white..

"Hello Beautiful" the one in the red dress said to me
"Hey.." I whispered back as she approached me.
The other woman walked further to the bar, but I didnt pay much attention to her since "Red-Dress" put her arms around my neck and started dancing  with my body close to hers.
"What's your name, Pretty? I haven't seen you here yet" the girl husked into my ear, making me shudder.
"I'm Y/n, what about you, gorgeous?" I asked back, a slight blush creeping up my cheeks as the woman let her hands slide down to my ass.
"I'm Clara, Sweetness"
Just in this moment, she squeezed my ass, making me moan out quietly.
"That's a beautiful name" I whispered as we kept dancing.
"Yours is as beautiful as you are, Love" she whispered back and pulled me as close as possible.

Clara and I spent the whole night together, we partied with Luke until about 5 or 6 in the morning.
Chase and Mia had left a few hours before us, but I told them I'd stay with Clara since neither of us wanted to split apart.
Clara and I havent drunken too much much, but still we could feel the affect of the alcohol we had.
As we got to hers in the morning, she gave me some clothes of her and told me I could change in the bathroom.
After that, we both fell asleep in each other's arms in her bed.
I had found my soulmate.

Time Skil about 9 months

Clara and I had several dates, and we ended up in a relationship.
Strange, I realized that my colors were fading a little more every day, and I didn't even know why.
Also, yeah, I did love Clara, and I knew she did too, but sometimes our relationship was a little..  weird..?
Chase and Mia were worried about me.
Clara often told me, she would go out with friends, but when I told her I wanted to do something with her, she was like "Oh, we always spend time, I wanna do something with my friends"
But when I told her, I was meeting Chase and Mia, she immediately got extremely jealous, she scoffed and had this super jealous look in her face.

"Why do you always spend your time with them? I am your girlfriend, you should spend time with me!" Ckara complained
Everytime I looked at her in disbelief,  but then brushed it of. Mia and Chase told me, rgat was Clara did wasnt good, but toxic.
Clara couldn't forbid me to meet my friends.
But I didn't know what to do anymore.

Today, Clara and I agreed on going to the mall together, because we wanted to shop some Christmas gifts. Soon I was Christmas, and I loved this time of the year.
I always loved the mall, because in the Christmas Time it was all decorated so sweetly in so many lights, and trees and all that.
Now, we were in a small restaurant, since we were really hungry.
Clara had a steak with some vegetables, while I ate a salad, since Clara sometimes complained on how I looked. It made me feel a little bad, but that is how it was.
Suddenly, Clara waved to someone and I turned around, suspicious on who it was.
I started coughing and excused myself.
I quickly went to the bathroom.
It was Scarlett. The other woman from the party.
And out of nowhere, all my colors were shining brighter than ever.

and yeah here a new one😼🤍
I really hope you like this, and no worries, I'll write a second part to this🤍

I love u 3000🤍

Remember to eat and drink 🤍
Go for a little walk 🤍
And Remember that you're never alone🤍

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now