Teachers pet {ScarJo×Reader}

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Y/n is at high school, trying trying to get her life together.
Both her parents abandoned her when she was only 14.
Shes been living in a foster home for almost 5 years now, never hoping for help, since she hadn't had any friends or other family.
At the start of a new school year, she got a new drama teacher.
And she turned y/ns life upside down.

Takes place in Seattle

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{Not spell checked}

Warnings: , talk of sh, panic attack

PoV Y/n

Walking into the huge building I have called my school for almost two years now, I kept my head straight down. People looked at me, because in thei opinion I was dressed weirdly or was just "The strange girl". I havent really had any friends here so far, making friends wasnt easy for me. But I could live with that.

I have some people that I trust, like Gracie, the owner of the foster home i live in, or the old librarian, Ms. Deauville.

IN classes i was also more of a loner. My class mates never wanted to work with me, i was just fine with that though. I could work better alone than having those "It Girls" distract me. I was a good student, really. I always was good in exams, anything really. But my favorite thing about school was always my drama class.

I have acted since I was a child, and i always loved it.

Right now, i got my new timetable for this semester. English in first, then Maths and then German. I loved learning languages. Then I had lunch break and my last two periods were music and drama. Didnt sound too bad, except for Maths.

Walking to my first classroom of the way, i kept looking at the timetable, not realizing someone came straight towards me, also being focused on something else. Bumping into them, i stumbled and fell back, having their hot coffee spill all over my shirt, "Fuck im so sorry, are you okay?" Asked a femine, slightly raspy voice. I looked up and immediately looked into the most beautiful green eyes i have ever seen. "I uhm, Im super sorry for bumping into you, i dint look where i was going and-" "Sweetheart its okay, now let me help you. You have burning hot coffee all over you and i ruined your shirt." She apologized again. She couldnt be a day over.. 28 maybe. A new student? Teacher?

She reached her hand out to help me up and I gladly took it, before i quickly collected the papers she had dropped. "Come with me quickly, yeah?" She said and I nodded, walking behind her like a lost puppy. She led me into an office, that I knew once belonged to my old drama teacher.

"Sit down honey, and is it okay if you take off your shirt? I have some burn cream and a new shirt if thats fine with you" She gestured to her desk and I nodded hestitantly, sitting down on it.

With slight hesitation, I took off my shirt. Normally i wouldnt, but something about this woman made me feel save. I tried to hide my arms and lower stomach, which were covered in scars, and looked away. Feeling her gaze on me, my cheeks turned red and i bit my lip. "Honey its okay, youre not alone. Can I touch you?" she asked and i nodded. Gently, she wiped the remaining coffee off with a soft cloth and put some of the burn cream on my chest. Once she was done, she handed me one of her shirts, which I put on quickly.

"Thank you.." I mumbled. "Youre welcome.." She hesitated, realizing we havent even introduced ourselves. "Oh shit I forgot, Im Y/n" I smiled. "Im Prof. Johansson" she smiled back. "About the shirt, Ill bring it back to you tomorrow if thats okay, thank you for letting me borrow it" "Love, Im the one who ruined your shirt in the first place. And dont worry, you can keep it if you want. It looks better on you anyways" Prof. Johansson smiled and I blushed. "Really? Thank you a lot, again." "No problem, really. And now, Im late for my first class, and youre too. Ill write you an excuse for your teacher" She said and we stood up, walking out of her office.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now