Please come home {Lizzie×Fem!Reader}

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Y/n was not just high ranked at the FBI but also the loving girlfriend of the actress Elizabeth Olsen.
She was abroad to save lots of people who were captured.
But y/n never came back from that.
Elizabeth hasn't gotten over the death of her girlfriend, but she tries to carry along and live her life.
She has to do an interview(Jimmy fallon) but something happens while that..

(P.S I am currently writing on my laptop which i have not done before so please be gentle with me)

warnings: death, fluffy, grab the tissues babes

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{Not spell checked}

PoV Lizzie

Today was December 12th 2021. I dont like this date, because today exactely one year ago, my girlfriend, y/n had gone abroad with the FBI. She worked for them for many many years, before something happened. it was never confirmed, that y/n had died, but she never came back from her mission. Nobody knew if she had "just gone missing" or if she in fact wasnt alive anymore. I knew I should keep my hopes up, but it had gotten worse over time. My best friends Scarlett and Paul tried and still are trying to help me to cope with the loss of my wife. My family was very supporzing and even asked me, if i wanted a funeral for y/n. I said no to that, because I dont want to believe that she is dead.

"Elizabeth? Are you okey?" my stylist, Gemma asked me and pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yes, why wouldnt  be?" I asked back with a faked smile. We sat in my dressing room at the Jimmy Fallon Show because today I had an interview about my new show, Sorry for your Loss. as I was asked to do that interview, my heart crumbled a little, because of the show and the date. But I said yes anywas. of course. I couldnt let my pain take over my whole life, could I? "Lizzie?" Gemma asked again, pulling me out once again. "Youre not okey, are you?" she asked. As i didnt reply, she put down the brush with which she was just brushing my hair. Gemma handed me a tissue and I looked at her through the large mirror, obviously confused. Just then I realized that I was crying. Carefully, Gemma wiped my tears away, looking at me with sad eyes. "Its because of y/n, isnt it?" she asked carefully and i nodded with sad eyes.

"Its been a year today Gemma.. i dont know why i even agreed to this stupid interview oh my god im so dumb.." I started sobbing as Gemma held me softly. "Its okey Lizzie. Im sure shes out there somewhere, waiting to come home and to embrace you once she comes back. Youre such a positive, hopeful person and it breaks my heart seeing you in this state. Youre an important person to me and i love you a lot. Please dont lose hope, yeah? Youre so strong i know you can do it, i believe in you, even if you maybe dont at the moment." Gemma whispered, carefully wiping away my tears. "Thank you the most, Gem, you really are an angel and i wouldnt know what to do if you werent here right now. I think youre right. Y/n is out there somewhere.. hopefully. But what if shes injured or something? Oh man.. im making myself crazy with those thoughts, arent i?" I sarcastically laughed as i straightened my position to look into the mirror. Gemma was brushing my hair as I left it open for today. My dress was red, my lips in the same color. In general, my make up wasnt that much, just casual.

Actually, i had told myself to be exited and hyped since I would have the interview with Jimmy Fallon who is very cool and I enjoy talking to him but somehow my dark thoughts got the overhand and now i cant stop thinking about y/n.

"Here, eat this, it will help calm your nerves a little" Gemma said as she handed me some chocolate. With a Thank You I took it and then ate it.

"Lizzie? Youre on now, would you follow me please?" one of the guys who worked there told me and gemma wished me good luck before I followed the guy to the stage.

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