Christmas Time (Wanda x Fem!Reader)

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Hey ! I havent written here for quite sum time, but since its Christmas soon, i wanted to give you some Christmas feelings<3

Might also write a wandanat(moms) x reader thing, lemme know if youd want it

I gave up on writing summaries so just read this lmao

Just saying, Santa Clausa fucking exists in this (somehow mixing The santa clause movies into this bc i love it)

not spell checked, as always, sorry

Warnings: sum mention of fucked up past, fluff

PoV Y/n

I couldnt sleep. It was December 24th, late at night and i was awake with my girlfriend, Wanda. We had been watching those cheesy Christmas movies for hours on end now. Why? Because hell i was excited for Christmas.

The past years, i never really got to celebrate, because i was living in a shitty household with abusive people. It wasnt a great time, but one day, I discovered i had some kind of super powers. I was able to shapeshift. It was super cool, i always turned into other people.

The avengers had soon seen me, while in a fight. Wanda saved me from getting crushed by some falling down building pieces. I had looked at her, absolutely stunned because of her beauty. I didnt know if i wanted to be with her, or be her. Yeah well, then i felt something tingly in my body and the witch had looked at me with a shocked expression. I turned myself into her. Funny story, because now, she was my girlfriend and i was with her and could be her.

Well, lets get back to the point.

The Avengers took me in and i was now a big part in the team. Everything felt like family, the family i never really had. We had movie nights, would go out, Tony loved hosting parties for literally no occasion. They were always a lot of fun, and also i told Wanda about my feelings towards her at one of those parties. Yes, yes I was drunk, otherwise i was too shy to speak to her.

"My love? Are you okay?" My girl pulled me out of my thoughts. "Huh? yes! I just thought about how lucky i am to have you as my girlfriend" I said with a smile. "Aw, youre adorable. But dont you think we should get some sleep soon? Its already like 2 am and we have Christmas tomorrow!" Wanda smiled. "I knooow, but im not tired and i wanna see Santa" I whined. "Baby, as much as it hurts me, but Santa doesnt exist, you know that" Wanda sighed. "No he exists, dont say he doesnt, you wont get presents otherwise. I put some cookies and milk out for him! I swear itll be gone when we go into the living room tomorrow!" I said, looking at Wanda. She laughed and turned off the TV. "Yeah for sure it will, now come on. If you dont sleep now, Santa wont come for you Baby" my witchy said. "Fine.. but dont you dare take my presents away from me. I gotta pee before i sleep" I mumbled, a little grumpy. I always got grumpy when i was sleep deprived, and i have been awake for super long. "Fine, but hurry your cute ass" Wanda laughed.

i stood up and went into the bathroom and after I finished my business, i washed my hands. Thats when i heard it. Bells, bells of a sleigh. I rushed out to our window of the avengers tower, looking over New York.

"Wands!! Come look!!" I squealed happily. "What is it now, did you see Santa?" Wanda laughed but came over to me. I pointed outside to a sleigh, guided by reindeers. And in that special, flying sleigh, there he sat. Santa Clause. I felt like a little child, overly happy that Santa did exist. Just like i had said. I waved in excitement while wanda stood next to me, mouth agape, not believing her own eyes. Santa waved back to me, making me jump up an down. "did you see that? Santa waved to me! I told you he was real! Santa Clause waved to me!!!" I danced and flapped with my hands happily. "Yeah.. I saw that, my Love.." Wanda said, still stunned by what she had seen.

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