Look at me, it's okey {Lizzie×Fem!Reader}

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It happened on your vacation in London.
You of course didn't know why they chose you.
You ran to get away, ringing on a stranger's door.
Little did you know who the owner of this house was

{Lizzie is married to Paul Bettany in this}

Warnings: rape/mention of rape, blood, scars and stuff

{Not spell checked}

PoV Y/n:

I ran as fast as I could.
Well, I stumbled, looking back to see if they followed me.
Luckily they didn't, they just left.
I felt numb. No pain, nothing. I was supposed to feel pain, or something but I didn't.
Hot tears were streaming down my face as I grabbed my phone tightly.
I dont know why they didn't took it.

It all happened just 10 minutes ago.
I was on my way to my hotel since I was on vacation in London.
It was already dark outside, I was at a friend's house but I wanted to get to the hotel.
It was around 11:30 pm or whatsoever.
I walked past 3 men, who stared at me. I sped up a bit, feeling scared.
Then I heard steps behind me.
One of them took my wrist, pulling me close and whispering "Hey pretty Lady what is such a beautiful girl like you doing outside at this time?"
I could smell the alcohol in his breath.
Then I felt a harsh slap on my ass, causing me to whimper.
"Please.. stop it" I said, trying to pull my hand from the men.
He just grabbed my wrist tighter, not letting me go.
"We're not done with you yet, Babygirl" the third man whispered directly into my ear.
Tears welling up in my eyes, not being able to do something. I have just turned 19, I was so scared.
And then it all happened..

I was seeing houses.
The first houses since it all happened.
I sighed a bit in relief, hoping I could get help.
I knew I had my phone, but I wasnt able to speak or call anyone.
As I reached the first house in the lane, I rang and knocked, hoping the people would be awake.
For two minutes, nothing happened and I rang again, biting my lips and hugging myself tight.
I was still crying like a waterfall.
I flinched as door was opened and a young woman, maybe In her thirties or so looked at me.

PoV Elizabeth

I opened the door, just to look at a young girl.
She was crying, looking terrified.
"Oh my God, are you okey?" I asked, extremely concerned.
The girl opened her mouth to say something. Nothing but choked sobs left her mouth and I immediately told her to come in.
She did as I told her, and followed me to the living room.
My husband Paul looked at her, and then back at me.
"What happened?" He asked, clearly concerned.
I just shrugged, now standing behind the girl.
Her shirt was soaked in blood.
"Darling, can you call the ambulance please?" I asked Paul and he immediately did.
I took the girls hand cautiously but she flinched as I did so.
"Everything is okey now, I won't hurt you, I'm here to help you, yea?" I said.
The y/hc girl nodded slightly and I took her hand and went to the bathroom.
"Your shirt is soaked in blood, is it okey if I take a look at your back?" I asked in a calm voice, trying not to scare her.
She nodded again and I helped her pull up her shirt.
I gasped at the sight.
Words were carved in her back.
"Slut; Whore" the words said.
The poor girl..
"You have cuts.. is it okey if I clean them before the ambulance comes? I think it would be better" I asked her.
She frowned at first but then nodded.
I took out a cloth and made it wet.
I slightly started to wash the blood away. She tensed up, so I tried to distract her.
"I am Elizabeth, what about you? Do you want to tell me your name?"
"It's.. y/n" she whispered.
"Thats a really pretty name. How old are you?" I kept asking.
"I.. turned 19 a few days ago.." y/n mumbled.
"Oh, happy belated birthday y/n" I smiled.
"Thank you.." she said and I could hear a small smile on her lips.
I finished cleaning her back and said "I'll be right back, I'll just get you a shirt of mine, okey?"
She nodded and I left.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now