Mommy? {Wanda×Fem!Reader}

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Based on a Tiktok sound lol

Warnings: short smut
Not spell checked

PoV: nobody

As y/n was sitting in their shared bedroom with her girlfriend Wanda, she was reading some... steamy wattpad stories and Wanda was reading a book. A normal one. She was reading Harry Potter.

Y/n had her head in the lap of her girlfriend and Wanda stroked through the fluffy hair of her y/n.
Y/n was smiling the whole time, being concentrated on the book she was reading. It was a oneshot book about Wanda, which was written by some Fans of the avengers probably.
Right now, it was really getting steamy between Wanda and the character in the book, and y/n could feel herself getting wet, just by reading this.
Did it feel weird for y/n reading such stories about her girlfriend? Nope, she loved those. She always read them while Wanda was on missions whiteout her, or sometimes when she felt lonely. Okey what are we saying, she always read them. No matter if while they all were watching a movie, or Wanda and her spent time just reading. She always read those stories.
Wanda did know, because y/n once told her, but just because Wanda once caught her reading this.
All Wanda did was smirking and then well.. things heated up between them.

Now, in the stories, Wanda was roughly fucking the main character into the mattress because she was bratty the whole day and y/n found that so hot that she accidentally let out a low moan.
Wanda put her book away, looking at her girlfriend with a raised eyebrow.
"What was that, Babygirl?" She asked with her thick sokovian accent that could make y/n cum right then and there.
"Hm.. nothing, Baby" y/n replied, still focused on the story.
She clenched her thighs together to get rid of the growing heat between her legs, but it didn't help.
Just in that moment, Wanda read her mind and smirked to herself, putting one of her hands between the legs of her girlfriend while her other hand took y/ns phone away.
"Hey!" Y/n whined at the loss but let out an almost silent moan because Wanda moved her palm against her heat.
"You want that.. do you, Babygirl?" Wanda asked and y/n nodded.
"Words, babygirl" Wanda smirked as y/n sat herself up and into Wanda's lap.
Wanda placed her hands on y/ns waist, inching her face so close that y/n could feel Wanda's hot breath on her lips.
"Babe.." y/n whined.
Wanda didn't react, but just looked deep into her girlfriend's eyes.
"Baby..?" Y/n tried again, but Wanda still didn't say a thing.
"Darling...?" Y/n whispered.
"Try again, Babygirl" Wanda husked as her hand inched closer to y/ns throbbing heat
"My Love.." y/n whined against Wanda's lips.
"Cute but still no" Wanda said as her hand slipped into the underwear of her girlfriend, teasing her folds.

"Mommy?" Y/n asked with a smirk and immediately moaned as Wanda pushed her fingers into her pussy.
Wanda crashed her lips onto her girlfriend's, biting her lip and she continued pumping her fingers in and out.
Y/n moans were muffled since they were caught in a heated kiss, as Wanda shoved her tongue into her girlfriend's mouth.
Y/n began to rock her hips back-and forwards.
"Good girl, ride my fingers like the little slut you are" Wanda moaned against y/ns lips.
As they were making out, y/ns hands sneaked around Wanda's neck and her nails created crescent moons in the soft flesh of Wanda's neck.
Then, Wanda's soft lips moved to y/ns neck, kissing and biting the soft flesh.
Her fingers pumping mercilessly into y/n, making her moan out loud as she also bit the most sensitive spot on y/ns neck. There was no doubt that this would leave a dark hickey.
"W..Wanda fuck I'm close" y/n moaned as she buried her face into Wanda's neck.
Suddenly, she felt a wave of pleasuring magic flowing through every cell of her body, which made her cum onto Wanda's fingers with a rather loud scream.
Wanda helped y/n ride out her high before she slowly pulled out her fingers, sticking them into her mouth and livking them clean.
She moaned at the taste of her loved girlfriend, as exactly this one was panting against her neck.
"You better now, Babygirl?" Wanda smiled, placing kisses all over y/ns face.
"Yeah, thank you Mommy" Y/n whispered tiredly, as she still was sat on Wanda's lap.
"I'm glad Baby" Wanda chuckled and planted kisses on y/ns forehead.

Uhmm yeah short smut for you all<33
Sorry for not updating, my loves<33
I hope you liked this one<33

Remember to eat and drink <3
Go for a little walk <3
And remember that I love all of you little babes<3

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