i cant take it anymore pt. 2 (Teacher!LizziexLittle!Reader)

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people wanted a second part so...<3

Y/n is happy with Lizzie as her caregiver. Its been easier for her the past months.

That is, until something happens with another student whom we are very familiar with.

Warnings: sexual assault/rape, panic attack

please take care of yall okay? Ill try to remember to set warnings when the sa scenes start so you can skip that part

Pov: y/n

the past months have been good. better than ever before actually. Lizzie was always there when i needed her and we always did such fun things!

One time, we went to an aquarium to look at the fishies and she even got me a shark plushy! i wove that plushy so much, his name is Fernando hehe. She also took me to a museum becaus e she knows i love dinosaurs. It was so much fun and as we walked through the big halls of the museum, she held my hand, she always does.

My family hasnt been asking why i spend so much time away, that makes me kinda sad but also kind of reliefed i guess. This way, i dont have to explain myself to anyone.

In school, i have been regressing sometimes, but each time it happens, lizzie isnt far away. She even has a fuzzy blankie and sum stuffies, coloring books and other stuff for me in her office in case i need it.

The only thing thats been going even more downhill was the "tension" between Liam and me. He was being even more of a meanie than before, making fun of me and insulting me. Lizzie always said i should just ignore it bút the more it gets, the harder it is to ignore it..

We has classes right now too and its.. i dont know. Im okay i guess? Its not bad but also not perfectly fine. I can feel Liams eyes burning into my head, hear the mumbling of his and his friends whispers but dont know what they talk about. but im glad i dont know it. Lizzie said theyre jst very idiotic and cant see my worth and that im much better than them.

"Heyo Y/n" I heard Liam say shortly before lunch break begun. It was our second to last lesson of the day, just lunch break and then we had english class. i liked english. it wasnt with lizzie, but the teacher, Ms. Johansson, is also really nice. And she pwetty.

I didnt turn my head up, although it confused me, because it was the first time, Liam called me by my actual name, and not Freak or another insult.

"Hello.. someone there?" he said as he waved his hand before my face. flinching a bit, i looked up just to see a.. disgustingly sweet smile as he looked at me. "What do you want?" i asked him, toying with my little key chain plushy in my hand.

"I wanted to apologize, for all the stuff i said you know" He kept on talking. "Uh huh.." i answered, not believing him. Why would he out of nowhere change his mind and be nice to me?

"No seriously.. you know we are about to have lunch break and i wanted to ask if we could talk it out? just us two?" He asked me. His smile seemed a bit more genuine now and i had to big of a heart to say no. I always gave people second chances, no matter how bad theyve been to me. very bad habit, i know. "Hm.. you get one chance i guess" i mumbled back before the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson.

The teacher said good bye to us and Liams friends all left, shooting him and me these weirdly.. poisonous smiles. It confused me.

The class emptied really fast and i grew a bit nervous. It was just me and Liam now. But.. nothing could go wrong, could it?

Boy was i wrong..

Skip this part now if you feel uncomfortable bc ill write about sexual assault/rape!

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