Beautiful Stranger {Florence Pugh×Emily}

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Emily was just a normal girl, looking for a "forever home" in England, near London.
She wanted to move there with her best friend, as one day, she bumped into a beautiful stranger.

Warnings: Fluff

Emily POV

I was in England, actually for vacation, but I was so in love with this country that I was actually searching for a house.
My mother's left me quite some money, so I was searching for a not too small house.
I was also moving in with my best friend, Elli.
She was still in Germany, but she'd come here when I'd found a house.

I was now being in London.
Just chilling after I had a quite long day, looking for some houses.
I already had a favorite one.
It was really big, maybe a bit too big, but it was beautiful.
It was a bit outside of London, so it was quiet around.
We had lots of space for our dogs and other animals.

Now I was walking around, looking for clothes which I maybe wanted to buy and I was off to get to Starbucks for a Strawberrys n cream Frappuccino.
Damn I was addicted to those.
Just as I was admiring the beauty of London, I suddenly bumped into someone.
They almost fell, but I took their hand and pulled them up before they hit the ground.
As I looked up, I looked into the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen.
"I.. I'm so sorry, I wasn't..  looking" I stuttered, mesmerized by her beauty.
I took in every feature of her face, her beautiful eyes, her kissable red lips, which were curled into a slight smile.
"No, no it's fine, I wasn't looking either" she smiled, blushing slightly.
I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach, also blushing.
I noticed I was staring at her, so I quickly said
"Uhm, I'm Emily, or just Emmy or Em. Can I invite you for a coffee? Or tea? Or anything? As an apology?"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Florence or just Flo. And if you want to, of course" she said with a smile.
"What a beautiful name, are you free now?" I smiled back at her.
She looked at her phone and then nodded.
"Yup, and thank you, yours isn't bad either" she slightly chuckled.
Oh my God, that is such a beautiful sound!
We made our way to the Starbucks and I said
"Just tell me what you want, I'll order it. You can get a table for us".
"Okeydokey  Ma'am. I'll take a Strawberrys n cream Frappuccino, it's my favorite "
I had to laugh at that, Flo looked at me confused and went to get a table.
I ordered two tall Frappuccinos and got her and me a cookie.
"The names?" The waitress asked smiling.
"Emily, and "beautiful stranger" " I replied with a smirk.
As our drinks were ready, I got them and made my way over to where Flo was sat.
I handed her her cup and she looked at the name that was written on it.
"You think I'm beautiful?" She asked blushing.
"Definitely" I smiled.
She thanked me, and we drank our drinks, ate our cookies and got to know each other.

As we finished, we got out and Flo said
"Here, I'd like to see you again, just text me"
Then she handed me a piece of paper which she probably had written when I was getting the drinks.
"I'd like to see you again too, Flo. It was lovely" I smiled.
Then she gave me a quick hug, saying goodbye.
I stood there, a bit in shock, having butterflies all around my stomach.
The cutest woman on earth has just hugged me.
And gave me her number.
I'm the luckiest.

Then I made my way to the hotel I was staying in, thinking about what happened today.
As I was in my room, I laid down, taking my phone out and I decided to message Florence.

Hey beautiful, it's me, Emily:)

Beautiful Stranger♥️:
Hello to you to, beautiful;)

I just wanted to say, that I had an amazing afternoon with you.

Beautiful Stranger♥️:
So had I! I'd like to go out to go out with you, if you want to?

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now