i cant take it anymore pt. 3 (Teacher!LizziexLittle!Reader)

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i left you hanging and waiting for a third part so.. here you go

warnings: mention/talk of rape, swearing

mention of storiesforroaches for beating up liam:3 (hope ur okay with characters name!)

pov: Lizzie

its been over a month since Mathilda and i found y/n in the bathroom, all bruised up wrists.

To this day, im still not sure that she was telling me the whole truth, especially since shes been very distant with me. Of course, we still do stuff and im still her mamma, but she has been emotionally and physically very distant. She zones out a lot more than before, shes way more in little space than she was before. Besides, she doesnt really let me hug her anymore and she always tries to hide when she isnt feeling well.

There were moments where i tried to approach her but i dont want to force her into talking to me. It should go at the pace that she feels comfortable with.

I have noticed her being very quiet in class, and ive asked Scarlett, Ms. Johansson, if she noticed that too, turns out, y/n is like this in every class.

Ive grown even more concerned over my little girl an i dont know what to do or how to hndle this..

Right now im walking towards y/ns class because we have a lesson together. Its still lunch break but i like to get to the classrooms earlier so i can set up everything that i need. Im a little lost in my thoughts. Y/n isnt at school today, at least i havent seen her yet and she hasnt texted me that she would stay home..

Already from afar I can hear loud noises and yelling coming from the hallway where i was headed, so i fasten my pace a little. As i entered the hallway, nobody seemed to take notice of me.

"Youre such a sick motherfucker, i swear to god. And you all fucking knew about this and didnt say anything? You even fucking made a bet out of it? Im so fucking sick of men." I heard Corey yell at.. at who? I couldnt see them because other students stood around them in a circle but i would assume it might be Liam since i didnt see him amongst the others. Students, who werent even in this class also stood around. It was a whole bunch of people, watching them argue, yell and fight.

"What the hell is going on??" I asked as i pushed my way through the crowd, coming to the middle where Liam and Corey were standing. Liams nose was bloody, Coreys lip was bleeding as well and both had blood on their hands. "She fucking started it! She hit me out of nowhere!" Liam complained about Corey. "Oh hell nah, i might have punched you first but you started this when you started bragging about what you did with y/n!" Corey spat at him. Hearing her name triggered something inse me and my gaze shifted to the boy again. "What the hell did you do with her?" I asked through gritted teeth. Liams angry smirk slowly faded as he saw the anger in my eyes.

I stood there with crossed arms, waiting for an answer.

"Lizzie? Whats going on?" I heard Scarlett behind me and i turned around to her.

Corey seemed to have taken that chance to punch Liam in the face again, making him wince out in pain. The crowd around us was a choir of "Ohh" and "Ahhh". Turning around again, Liam was holding his nose, moaning in pain. "Thats what you desere, you fucking cunt" Corey said before turning to her friends.

"OK all of you, dont you have classes to attend? Get to your classrooms or all of you will have detention for the next 4 weeks" Scarlett said while i stood there, thinking of what Liam might have done to my little girl.

The students left and as Liam and Corey were about to leave as well, we stopped them. "OH no, you two are coming with us" Scarlett and I said.

"Ms. Olsen? Can.. can i come too? I have to tell you something.." Mathilda looked at me with shy eyes. That wasnt something that i knew from her.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now