She's gone.. {Nat×Fem!Reader}

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Warnings: sad (like get some tissues)

Not spell checked!

Third Pov:
It has been around 2 months since it happened.
Since Thanos happened.
Many people have died.
But there was one special woman. And her girlfriend couldn't get over her death.

Flashbacks to Vormir

I was standing at the cliff with my girlfriend Natasha Romanoff.
We needed to get the soul stone to finally defeat Thanos.
But for that, we had to give something/someone we loved.
"Soul for Soul" That creepy guy said. I didnt catch his name since I only had eyes for Natasha.
We were discussing a lot, until we came to a result.
"I think we both now who it will be" I said standing up.
"Yup, I think we do" Natasha replied, also standing up and pulling into a tight embrace.
"I love you Natasha Romanoff, I always will" I said, while kissing her, one last time.
"Love I have the feeling that you and I are talking about different people.." Natasha said after pulling back.

I just looked at her "I'm sorry, never forget me" before pushing her away with my powers.
"Y/n, no!" I heard Nat screaming before I felt her running past me.
I pulled her back, running to the edge and jumped.
Natasha jumped after me and held onto my hand while I was like hanging in the air on a rope which was attached to the cliff's edge (hope u know how I mean lol).
I looked at Natasha, not being able to hold her anymore.
"Y/n, baby please, let go. I will always love you" Natasha said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
A sob left my mouth, while she was slipping out of my hand more and more.
"I can't let you go Nat, I cant" I said between sobs.
"It's okey" Nat said, before pushing herself out of the grip.
All I saw was her body falling, coming closer to the ground.
I closed my eyes, not being able to handle the pain.

As I opened my eyes, I was stood back on the edge of the cliff, holding the stone in my hand.
Hot tears streaming down my cheeks.
I broke down in sobs.

Flashback ends
Third PoV:

Y/n hasn't talked to anyone since they got home after the war.
She let Bruce take care of her cuts and bruises but after that, she hasn't come out of her room for at least one month.
She has only come out at midnight, to get a little bit of food or to go on the roof.
Everything reminded her of Nat.
The smell in her room, which was their shared bedroom, the clothes in her closet, Natasha's shampoo in their bathroom.
Even the kitchen, the living room and everything.
She cried her eyes out.
Every day, her best friend Wanda would knock to look after her, but y/n never answered.
She kept the door locked, sat at the edge of her window and looked out.
She would take Natasha's clothes to cuddle them, just to get the feeling of her.
She lost herself deep in her thoughts, still thinking Nat was there in some way.
Y/n talked to her pillows, to her wall, even to Natasha's clothes.
She still thought Natasha was alive.

Some day, after almost 2 months, the y/hc girl came out of her room.
She was smiling slightly, still thinking of Nat.
For her, it felt as if Nat was holding her hand.
Everyone in the tower was surprised, but happy to see y/n.
Everyone was at dinner currently, and Wanda stood up and immediately took the girls hand.
"Y/n, Hi, please sit down with us, it's so nice to see you!" The brunette said smiling gently, being happy her best friend was back.
Y/n sat down at her usual seat, looking at her plate and then at the seat next to her. It had always been Nats seat.
"What about Natasha?" The girl asked while Wanda put food on her plate.
"Nat.. Natasha..?" Wanda asked confused.
"Yeah, she needs food too, she's hungry, aren't you, Love?" Y/n asked while looking next to her.
Everyone looked at her in confusion, concerned of the girl.
"Y/n.. Nat is.. isn't there.." Wanda said calmly, putting her hand at the girls back.
"What do you mean? She's right next to me." Y/n said confused.
"Y/n.. I'm..  sorry to tell you, but..  Nat died on vormir.." Wanda said, biting her lip.
"Dead? Natasha isn't dead. She's here.. she's been here the whole time. I talked to her, every day. She helped me, she's not dead, Wanda" Y/n said, panic growing in her voice.
Wanda grabbed the girls face, looking her straight in the eyes.
"No, Y/n, Natasha is not here anymore. I'm afraid to tell you the truth, Hun" Wanda told the girl.
Y/n felt tears forming in her eyes, sliding down her cheeks as the memories came flodding over her like a tsunami.
"No.. that can't be.." y/n said between small sobs.
"I'm sorry Love, come here" Wanda said and pulled the girl into a hug.
Everyone looked at them.
You could see that they were sorry for you by the look on their faces.
Y/n sobbed harder, burying her face in Wanda's chest.

Wanda took the girl to her room and layed her down in her bed.
Y/n was still sobbing as Wanda whispered soothing words into her ears.
"I can't believe it.. She's gone.." y/n whispered.
"I know love, I'm sorry.." Wanda said, while tears slipped out of her eyes too.

I apologize so much for this.
It ripped my heart out while writing this-
I still love her so much and I'm sure I'll be never able to watch Endgame again so...
I love you all 3000♥️

If u liked it, it would help me a lot if you voted for this<3

Make sure to eat and drink♡
Go for a little walk♡
And keep in mind that I love every single one of you♡♡

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