Look at me, its okey Pt. 2{Lizzie Olson×Fem!Reader}

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Basically just a part two of the Oneshot with Lizzie, where the reader got rapped.

Warnings: Mention of Rape, anxiety

{Not proof read}

Pov: y/n

It's been now around 3 to 4 weeks since the rape happened.
My back doesn't as hurt as much as the days after the Surgery and everything.
Lizzie and Paul are incredibly nice, and they support and help me with everything.
Since a few days, every morning I woke up, I felt so sick.
I went into the bathroom and I had to throw up.
And it was the same today.

I was at breakfast with Liz and Paul, talking about everything and nothing.
I was happy because I havent felt sick this morning.
"What are we planing on doing today?" Paul asked, and I was about to say something, as I felt the familiar feeling in my stomach.
"What ab- oh my God" I stood up and ran into my bathroom.
I threw up, and suddenly I felt someone rubbing my back and holding my hair back.
"Shh, Honey it's okey, let it out" she said with a reassuring voice.
I threw up more, and Liz never left my side.
Once I was finished, she helped my shaking self up and guided me to the sink.
I brushed my teeth with her help and leaned into her arms while she rubbed my back soothingly.
"You better now, Honey?" She asked, and I nodded slightly.
"Have you had this? This morning sickness?" She asked and I nodded again.
She was thinking for a bit, before saying "Honey? Were you supposed to be on your period?"
Suddenly I realized.
"Fuck, you dknt think I could-" I felt tears in my eyes.
"When was your period supposed to be?" She asked again.
"T..two weeks ago.." I mumbled, the tears now leaving my eyes.
She hugged me, stroking over my hair as I sobbed into her chest.
Time went by, and after like 20 minutes or something, we pulled away.
"I'm going to the store to get you a test, yes? And no matter what it says, I'll also make an appointment at my gynecologist for you, yes?" Liz smiled at me, before going down.
Paul made me a tea for my sick stomach as Liz went to.tye store.
We talked a bit, and he told me, that no matter what those tests will say, they will support me and will not leave my side.

Liz came back with the test and I grabbed it.
I went into the bathroom, peed on that damn stick before placing it on the counter.
Then I waited outside nervous about the result.
After the time, I went back in, looking at the test nervously.
"Fuck.." I mumbled, before stumbling stumbling with the test in my hand.
"Honey, what-" Paul started, before I fell into Lizzies arms, sobbing and crying.
Paul looked at her, and then at the test.
My reaction showed them all what they needed to know, and Lizzie just held me close.

It's been 2 days since I got the positive result.
Today I had the appointment at Lizzies gynecologist, and believe me, I was so scared.
It was now 1 pm, and Liz told me, we'll live in 10.
"Are you ready?" She asked, as I put on my shoes.
"Not even close.." I mumbled.
"It'll be fine, Honey. I will be there for you, all the time" She said while hugging me.
I smiled slightly and we told Paul goodbye before going to her car.
We got in and drove of.
"Are you nervous?" Liz asked while putting a hand on my thigh to calm me.
I nodded.
The rest of the ride was silent.
It wasn't uncomfortable, I enjoyed being with Liz, even if we didn't spoke.

As we arrived, Liz opened the door for me and we got in.
We went to the reception and Liz said
"Hi, we are here to be sure about a pregnancy"
"Ahh, yes I know, Mrs. Olsen, and Miss y/l/n, take a seat, the doctor will he there for you soon"  the receptionist said with a smile and Liz and I went to sit down.
I was nervously fidgeting  with my hands until Liz took one of them.
She rubbed the back of my hand soothingly, trying to calm me down a bit.
It did help, until the doctor came to take us.
"Miss y/l/n, Mrs. Olsen, I'm ready for you" she smiled and we stood up and followed her.
We came into the room, and the doctor told me to sit down on that chair thing (whatever it is called).
"Hey, so i heard, that you did a pregnancy test, which was positive. But you wanted to be 100% sure?" She asked and I nodded.
"I'm Dr. Ava Ramirez, and please dont be scared, this is going to be a little cold"
I nodded, and she put some gel on my stomach.
She then moved the ultrasound thing over my stomach, looking at the monitor.
"Ahh, look what we have here" she pointed at something on the monitor, telling us, that I was definitely pregnant.
I felt tears on my cheeks, as Liz took my hand.
"And.. you are going to have twins" Dr. Ramirez said, looking at us.
I quickly put my hand over my mouth, trying to not let the sobs out.
I just bit my lips and nodded.
"We don't know the gender yet, but you'll have monthly appointments, and as soon as we can tell the gender, and if you want to know them, we can tell you. Your next appointment would be in a month. But if you have any difficulties, please call us, yes?"
"Yeah, Dr. We will, thank you" Liz said with a smile.
Dr. Ramirez wiped the gel off my stomach and Liz and I went out of the room, saying thank you and leaving the building.
As soon as we were at the car, I leaned against the door and started crying.
Lizzie hugged me, not saying anything.
We stood there for about 10 to 15 minutes, just hugging each other.
We then drove home.
Liz explained everything to Paul as I just sat down.
Paul got my ice-cream and we watched some movie, until I fell asleep in Lizzies lap.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now