We won't let us interrupt{ScarJo×Lizzie×fem reader}

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This is about me being in a relationship with ScarJo and Lizzie.
We watch a movie and things turn out to end in our bedroom.
Suddenly we get interrupted by a phone call. My best friend.

Warning: smut

Pov: y/n

It was a beautiful evening with both of my girlfriends.
Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen.
We hadn't had this in a few weeks, because both of them were always working. They were filming a new movie, but this weekend they finally were free.
I took them out for dinner, and now we all were cuddling on the couch and watching "The Greatest Showman".
"What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine?" Lizzie sang while watching at us.
"Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find" Scarlett continued and I sang "It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be!"
"So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
Tonight" we all sang, laughing and cuddling close.
Lizzie placed a kiss on my head, since I was sitting in the middle of Scar and her.
She then kissed Scarlett on the lips, earning a little whimper from me.
Scarlett looked down, took my chin into her hand and kissed me passionately.
I smiled and felt Lizzie sitting closer behind me, starting to kiss my neck.
Scarlett kissed me again while I tilted my head to give Elizabeth more access.
She left bite marks and I groaned.
"Someone has missed this, hasn't she?" Scarlett asked while her hands trailed down my body.
I got shivers as I melted into her touch.
"Of course I did, you were always working so I had to deal things on my own. But it wasn't the same without you.." I said with a little smile.
Scarlett looked at Lizzie and then back down at me.
Both were smirking, as they stood up.
"Where are you going?" I asked with puppy eyes.
Lizzie picked me up and carried me up to our shared bedroom with the king sized bed.
She laid me down and started kissing me.
Lizzie licked over my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I granted her.
While Lizzie slipped her tongue into my mouth, Scarlett got rid of her clothes and came up to me from behind, kissing my neck.
"You ready for a night you will never forget, Kitten?" Scarlett husked.
I moaned into Lizzies mouth because both of them knew I liked this pet name.
Lizzie chuckled and pulled of my shirt, kissing down my collarbone.
She looked at me, asking for consent and as I nodded, Scarlett undid my bra and tossed it anywhere into our room.

While Lizzie was still placing hickeys everywhere on my upper body, Scarlett began massaging my breasts from behind.
I could feel her breasts on my back since she was naked already.
"Baby, strip I will handle her" Scarlett told Lizzie and Lizzie did so.
My eyes were glued to her body and she took of her close in an erotic and hot way.
"Fuck you're so hot" I mumbled, earing a dark chuckle from Elizabeth.

Scarlett pushed me back into the pillows and kissed me, slipping her tongue into my mouth, while Lizzie took of my jeans, leaving me in my dark purple lace thong.

Oh look baby, she even put on her favorite thong for us" Lizzie said.
"I would love to just rip it off you Kitten" Scarlett whispered into my ear.
"Don't you dare, it's my favorite!" I laughed, trying to keep a serious face.
"Oh I know, this is why we are gentle with it. If it was another one, you can imagine what would happen to it" Lizzie said, sitting down infront of me.
Scarlett kissed down my body, leaving hickeys on my breasts and licking over my hard nipples.
My body arched, and Lizzie pushed me back down.
"Uh uh Baby, stop moving or we are going to have to edge you" she said in a low voice.
Lizzie started placing kisses all over my thighs, leaving bite marks and coming closer to my pulsating, hot and wet core.
"Fuck, Lizzie!" I said with whimper, as she cupped my clothed pussy with her hand.
She started moving her palm against my pussy, making me bite my lips.
"Tell us what you want, Kitten" Scarlett said, still pleasuring my breasts.
"I want you to- to fuck me" I whimpered.
"Oh, you have to be a bit louder, otherwise I can't hear you, Kitten" Elizabeth smirked, while kissing Scarletts back as she was still rubbing my vlit throug the thong.
Scarlett tilted her head as Lizzie kissed her neck.

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now