You need help {Nat×Fem!Reader}

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Y/n is very much in love with the Russian spy Natasha Romanoff.
Her best friend Wanda doesn't  know  that Nat also likes y/n but she realizes it soon, and decides to try to help them without them knowing.

Requested by: MARINEP2487

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Tw: claustrophobia, uhm swearing? Panic attack
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"Wanda stop it!! I don't like her for Christ's sake!" You yelled through the compounds kitchen as Wanda snickered at your outburst.
"It's not even funny, god why do you laugh?" Nat huffed
"I think it's very funny. You keep denying that you like each other which shows that you clearly do! You just don't see it" Bucky came in, agreeing with Wanda.

When you first joined the avengers, Wanda and Bucky had been there for you and you trusted them most.
You were quite shy towards everyone but them, and as soon as you met Natasha, you fell for her.
You didnt know why, but everything she does just captivated you in a way it never happened
To your luck *cough, spot the sarcasm, cough* she didn't seem to like you.
She was very distant towards you, and even if she did talk to you, she was very cold or just insulted you.
You had enough kf that at some point, and started doing the same.
So now, whenever you two walked past each other, you stared each other down, some bad sentences leaving your mouth which sometimes resulted in a screaming contest to which cap only ever responded with a "Language!"
The other avengers soon grew sick of your childish behavior and Wanda tried to make you talk to each other.
She knew you had feelings for the redhead and wanted you to tell Nat.

"You know what? Get your shit together, I don't love her. I never will, so fuck it, okey?" Natasha said very angrily, took her water and went to the training rooms.
Not gonna lie, her words had hurt you.
You knew, she was never gonna look at you the way you look at her, but really hearing those words made your heart shatter into pieces, tears soon making their way down your cheeks.
Wanda saw it and went to hug you but you shoved her away
"Just please don't, leave me alone, Wands" you said, going to your room.

"J.A.R.V.I.S can you lock the door and soundproof my room?" You said in tears.
"Of course, Miss Y/l/n"
"Thank you" you mumbled.
Of course, J.A.R.V.I.S was an A.I, yet you always said thank you, no matter what.
You were always told you were ungrateful so at every occasion, you said thank you, even to an A.I

Time passed fast and it was now time for dinner.
You spent the whole day in your room, crying, watching movies or reading.
You weren't hungry at all so you just stayed in your room as you also didn't want to see Natasha or anyone else.

PoV  Natasha

Was i being to hard on y/n?
I mean, Jesus of course i feel something for her.
I just can't tell her. I'm scared.
Yes funny, the tough black widow who kills people without blinking is scared of telling someone her feelings, haha
But no shit, I've never been in love, truly in love.
In the red room they trained me, that love was for children. Deep down I know, tgat it's not.
The way Pepper and Tony are with each other, or how happy Peter is when he brings MJ to the compound. Or the way Bucky and Sam always flirt with each other. That's so adorable and I caught myself a lot of times, wanting that too.
But not with anyone. Just with y/n.

Now I was on my way downstairs, it was dinner time and Wanda wanted to cook for us. Honestly,  she was the best cook out of us all.
I went into the dining room, finding everyone at their seat but one was missing. One seat was empty. Y/ns.
I sat down between Carol and Pepper, looking confused snd worriedly to the place in front of me.
Normally, she always sits in front of me and we always insult each other or just annoy each other.
I dknt know why we started that. Maybe I was a bit cold towards her, but I never thought it'd end in us, always beefing with each other.

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