short story: literally and figuratively

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short story: is not the fucking day, literally and figuratively.

note: fluff/comedy/crack, i guess?


"byul-unnie is getting laid!"

byulyi grunted softly, pulling the lip stick away from her mouth as soon as she hears wheein's voice ringing continuously out of the room of hyejin.

she's too embarrassed to admit it. but it's the first time she's in a relationship once again after contemplating for a long time, and she needed their help. well actually, she just called for hyejin.

but when she arrived at her house, bringing all the make up, clothes and heels hyejin picked over the call last night- wheein and yongsun was sitting at the couch to pester her. as much as she wanted yongsun's help, she didn't want to show her embarrassed side to the leader knowing she will tease her to death.

but hyejin.

hyejin betrayed her, dragging everyone in the house.

"i told you not to wear snickers over your skirt!" hyejin hisses softly, sliding inside the room to slap byulyi's bum that made the elder friend yelp. "i won't be comfortable wearing heels!" she puckers her lips to spread the lip tint around. "ah, it's your first real date- it should be fancy!" hyejin whispers, grabbing her arm.

"i've picked a good casual yet formal dress for you- i told you to wear a crop top, you didn't!"

"it's just a dinner date, why should i dress up too well?" byulyi whispers. hyejin rolls her eyes, leaning close. "you were the one who asked for my help."

"well yeah, but not this extra."

hyejin sighed in defeat.

"babe, dating in his house gives you more reason to wear something better and easy t-" hyejin lends her hand, confusing the female as soon as she pauses.


"i said nothing." hyejin coughs softly, as byulyi scowls. "you're such a pervert!" she turns back around, hearing the youngest laugh.

then hyejin wiggled her brows, whispering. "it's not like your date will end up with a teenage kiss on forehead, right?"

byulyi's eyes went wide, realizing what she was saying. shaking her head, byulyi grabs a tissue to pat on her lips for excess product. "it's just the first time in his house, hyejin." she retorted, cheeks heating up at the inappropriate thought that the maknae has been engraving in her mind.

"aha, it's not like you weren't totally thinking of an innocent date later unnie." hyejin shook her head. "you might, but i doubt your date would."

"from the way he glances at you right before you two started dating..." the maknae trails-off, eyeing her playfully before hitting her bum, hearing her squeak.

"shut up."

wheein grins in amusement while hearing their squabble through the room, whispering a little loud. "oh, only if you saw him watching you-"

"shut up, midget!" byulyi argued through the other side.

"YAH!" wheein yells, making everyone laugh. "i'm telling the truth, so you- you better listen to me!" she stammers, adding. "i mean if i were jin-oppa, i'd also never let the first date go to waste with just-"

choking on her own spit, byulyi decided to ignore the maknae line, pulling her skirt down before walking out the room with hyejin following behind. "if i were to be the lead, i'd even wear jeans-"

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