The Room of Requirement

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The next morning at breakfast, Professor McGonagall handed out our schedules. Today, I was to first have transfiguration with Ginny and the fifth year Ravenclaws.

After finishing up some French toast and downing a cup of coffee, Ginny and I made our way to McGonagall's classroom. The space was lit with a few candles at the front, and beautiful morning light streamed into the room from one of the large windows at the side.

Ginny and I said hi to Luna who was sitting alone when we got there. The curly blonde got out of her seat and made her way over to us whilst a group of Ravenclaw girls snickered amongst themselves, watching Luna walk over. Ginny scowled at them and made a rude gesture with her finger which silenced them quick enough.

As per McGonogall's usual entertaining appearance, we watched as the cat sitting on top of the front desk transformed into the familiar woman who always wore her hair in a tight bun and dressed in bright emerald robes. She gave us all the quickest of smiles before getting to business almost right away.

After only fifteen minutes of instruction, Professor McGonagall had us work independently, turning animals into water goblets. It was a very easy first lesson since it was review of the work from years prior.

I reached into my skirt pocket for my wand and was met with nothing. I groaned aloud, realizing I forgot my wand. Idiot, I thought to myself. My little mouse took its opportunity to run away rather than face becoming a nice piece of silverware. McGonagall noticed the commotion and walked over, frowning.

"And why aren't we working over here, Ms. Nickoletti?" she asked me.

My face reddened as I realized that I'd have to admit my stupidity.

"I forgot my wand, Professor," I said shyly.

"I'd expect by fifth year you'd remember the basics," she said disappointed. "Ten points from Gryffindor." I frowned and hoped that nobody besides Ginny heard that I lost House points before the first day of class even began.

The witch turned to walk away but added, quietly, "These are dark times Ms. Nickoletti, for your own protection, never forget it again." Her voice was a low mumble, barely audible. But I could hear the seriousness in it.

She turned to walk away but said loudly now, without looking, "well go and fetch it then."

"Thank you, Professor," I said, almost breathlessly, sliding out of my chair and walking out of the room, leaving Ginny to work with Luna.

I heard an echo with my every step as the sound of my heels hitting the stone floor bounced off the empty corridor walls. I made my way back to Gryffindor tower and grabbed my wand which was lying on top of my bed. I shook my head at my stupidity and thought about how my dad would have seen this forgetfulness coming. 

I walked back down the stairs quickly, hoping not to miss much more of my class.

I was about to turn the corner when the sound of a door scraping brick grabbed my attention. I knew instantly what the sound was - the door of the Room of Requirement had opened for someone and it was now in the midst of closing.

I rounded the corner and trotted a little faster, unsure who would be using it at this time. Maybe there was a meeting with Dumbledore's army I didn't know about. 

When I was directly in front of it, it did something odd; The shrinking stopped right away and began to widen once more. I reached out and pushed it open, my own curiosity getting the better of me. If I didn't find someone from the DA in there, then I wouldn't really be sure what I was thinking about for it to have even opened.

I entered the room with my head down, looking at the interlocking stones that floored whatever room I had stumbled into. It didn't look familiar and I could already tell this wasn't a DA meeting. My eyes trailed up to see what was in front of me and I let out a small but audible gasp. I caught my step, freezing in my spot.

In front of me, but not facing me, was a figure dressed in black. His sleek blonde hair was combed neatly, and he stood several inches taller than I did.

Slowly, his head turned, and then his body, until he was facing me, piecing me with his eyes.

"Arabella?" he said my name, as a sort of question. But in a weird way, it also as a statement.

I was utterly stunned. A thousand questions raced in my mind and tangled themselves together, not one was even intelligible enough for me to ask.

I would have liked to know why he was in here, why I was able to be in here with him, and why he sounded half-surprised. Of course, I asked none of these, for my lips couldn't form a word.

He stared at me and his quizzical expression turned ambiguous in an instant. "What are you doing here?" he demanded in a voice that felt almost too calm.

I had never truly spoken to him before. I'd only ever listened to him taunt his classmates - my older friends Harry, Ron and Hermione - but I'd personally never had any meaningful  interactions with him; Although... there was one night two years ago...but that had less to do with me and more to do with his desire to taunt the Muggle-born who was with me... I put the thought out of my mind for now.

I  seemed to have lost my voice. I didn't have an answer to his question; I didn't know what I was doing here. I had simply stood before the same wall that I had stood before hundreds of times previously for DA meetings, and it let me in here - with him.

I stuttered, unintelligibly, not even sure what I was trying to say. He asked the question again, his voice significantly louder and I jumped, startled. His face was contorted angrily, but I also sensed a bit of confusion as he looked down at me.

"S-sorry, I was just leaving." I said quickly, I turned on my heel, my hair whipping behind me.

But he was quick. He caught my arm and held it tight, stopping me in my tracks. I looked back into his face. His blue eyes pierced mine, but he said nothing. He removed his hand as quickly as he had grabbed it and took a step back.

Seizing the freedom, I grabbed the door and swung it open, hearing it slam behind me as I ushered forward quickly. My breath was shaky and my heart was beating faster than normal. My mind was racing and I made it down two flights of stairs without even realizing it, everything on autopilot.

I stopped and leaned against a railing, letting out one last shaky breath. I didn't even know how to make sense of what had just happened. I took an extra thirty seconds to allow my heart to return to its normal pace and then started back to the classroom.

By the time I got back, the transfiguration lesson had moved on. I had missed the next instructions too and I looked around nervously. McGonagall came over to me again just as I slid back into my seat next to Ginny who was staring at me with a confused look.

"Next time, Ms. Nickoletti, you will return to my class faster or I won't let you leave at all," she said sternly. "Ms. Weasley will have to get you up to speed on the next task." She pointed to Ginny with her wand and then aimed it back at me.

She turned to walk away, doing a double take at Luna who was petting a pig. I put together that this was not part of the task as she was the only one holding such a creature.

"Why..?" the professor started to speak while staring at the wiggling animal, but didn't finish. Best not to ask questions. She walked to the other side of the room, bewildered.

Ginny turned her body to look at me. "Merlin's beard, Bella," she said looking concerned, why do you look so pale?"

Realizing I was probably still anxious, I attempted to play it off. "I'm always pale."

But Ginny wasn't amused. "Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yea," I responded, in a tone that wasn't rude but conveyed I wanted the subject dropped. "Okay so what are we supposed to be doing?" I asked, moving on.

Ginny didn't look quite satisfied but she also didn't press any further. She held up her wand and started to explain the lesson. 

But just as last night, coming out of the train, my mind was elsewhere - on Malfoy again.

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