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Grateful for not having any homework, mostly due to the kindness of professor Flitwick, I was able to sit peacefully and relax while waiting for the others to go to sleep before I snuck off again.

I'd been lucky so far by not running into anyone on the two occasions that I went to the Room of Requirement. I think I'd be lucky today too; Most of the Gryffindors were already in their dorms by 10:00 and tomorrow was Halloween which means that they would all be staying up quite late due to an inevitable sugar high so they needed to catch some sleep tonight. Only a few people were present on the other scattered sofas around the room.

Sitting with me near the fire was Harry and Hermione. Ron had already gone upstairs. Hermione seemed rather distressed by Ron's absence but she buried her nose in her books anyway. Harry was writing notes on a parchment and I sat watching.

When the other remaining Gryffindors went up to bed, Hermione put her books down and stood up, smoothing out her skirt which was now crinkled from sitting and studying for so long. She bid the two of us goodnight rather formally, and hurried off upstairs.

I frowned, feeling bad for what was happening between her and Ron.

"I think she feels uncomfortable," Harry said when she was out of ear shot.

"Oh yea?"

"For sure," he said, pulling me onto his lap. "She wishes she had with Ron what we have," he said, kissing my neck.

I felt ticklish at his touch and giggled lighly, pushing his head away with my hand. "You're being a little insensitive, don't you think," I said. "I mean, you have to feel bad for them. They deserve to be together. We might be able to help them, you know - play Cupid." 

He looked scandalized that I pushed his head away, and right when I was done talking, he proceeded to kiss me again.

"I think we've always been playing Cupid, haven't we? They're just going to have to figure it out for themselves this time," he said, between kisses. "And anyway, I'm not being insensitive, I'm allowed to revel in our sensational relationship," he said smiling.

I laughed at him loudly.

"Wow those are some big words for you, Potter."

"Yea but they're accurate, don't you think?" he whispered into my neck.

I was thankful he couldn't see my face; I don't think my expression would have been the one he was hoping for.

I was so confused. I still liked Harry, but there was definitely something going on with Draco. I closed my eyes, and for one guilty second, I imagined that it was Malfoy's lips on my neck. I slowly pushed myself away, shifting myself off of Harry's lap and back onto the couch next to him.

"I'm tired," I lied, needing an excuse to escape the guilt. "I think I need to sleep."

He looked disappointed and made a joke about how Ginny was right about me being tired all the time. I forced a laugh but I was desperate for us to say goodnight - for him to leave so that I could go see Malfoy.

He stood up and held my hands in his, looking down at me. He kissed my head before saying goodnight.

"You go sleep well," he ordered me. "I'd like to welcome back the energetic Bella tomorrow," he said as he strode towards the stairs. I gave a single nod to show my understanding and waved goodnight.

As soon as I was sure that he was upstairs and wasn't coming back down, I moved quickly towards the portrait hole, ready to make my way to the Room.

I worked harder to be extra quiet this time; Unlike the last visits I made, I wasn't in a pair of quiet socks and my nightgown, but rather my whole uniform. The little heel of my shoes made noise on the floor and I winced every time I heard the clank echo.

The door opened once again and this time he was sitting on the sofa as opposed to leaning on the back of it and facing the door. When he heard it shut behind me, he looked over his shoulder and smiled broadly.

"Sit," he said simply with a smile. I did as he said, gladly.

I sat down quite close, our shoulders brushing. The fire was blazing again and it lit the room with a warm glow. He was dressed like he usually was - in his white school shirt, sleeves rolled up.

Our conversation felt easy and light. He asked me about school and I told him that I was usually drowning in homework, making sure to take detailed notes in preparation for my OWLs.

"You can have my old notes," he offered. "I did well on most of my OWLs."

"Awe, thanks," I said. "But it's alright. I usually prefer taking my own notes. And if I do reference another's, I have Hermione's."  The corners of his mouth turned down slightly and so I changed my mind quickly. "But it doesn't hurt to have a fresh perspective on things. Could I borrow your transfiguration notes?"

"Of course," he said with a nod and a small smile, "and anything else you need."

"Thanks," I said, with a light chuckle.

"So what else is new?" he asked, leaning forward onto his knees. "I noticed your little group was all separated this morning at breakfast."

"Ah you noticed that, huh? You spying on me?" I teased.

"Well by now you should know that I am," he said, playfully. "I like you, remember," he said.

My smile faltered for a moment, and I regretted having teased him flirtatiously because it became awkward fast. Obviously I remembered that he liked me but I just didn't want to address it. I cleared my throat and disregarded his statement, getting back to our discussion of my friend group.

"Yea uh, Ginny is mad at Ron for telling her not to snog Dean out in the open, and in her anger she told Ron that Hermione had snogged Krum and now he's mad at Hermione."

"And where does Potter fit into all of this?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Is anyone mad at him?" he clarified.

"No," I said shaking my head. "He hasn't done anything wrong," I responded.

"So you guys are still together then?" he asked, straightening up and looking grim. I didn't answer him and he repeated him self. "You're still with him, Arabella?" he said in a more serious tone.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I said quietly.

He stood up now, and walked a couple paces away, rubbing his face with his hand. "Because you have another option," he said, his stare burning into me.

I couldn't meet his eyes and I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. Suddenly, he moved in front of me, surprising me again with his fast reflexes as he grabbed both my hands, pulling me off of the couch to stand. He stood almost a foot taller than me and I breathed in his intoxicating scent as I stood before him. We were very close, almost face to face, and his hands were holding mine tightly.

There was so much tension between us. I wanted him to close the gap that separated us, wanted his hands to let go of mine and hug me tightly. But for a few torturous seconds, we stayed unmoving. 

Finally, he let go of my hands and put them on the small of my back, pushing me into him. I felt safe in his strong arms and I looked into his face. His eyes darted to my lips and then back up, and he looked longingly at me, starting to lean in.

Every part of me wanted him in that instant, drawing me towards him. But my mind was screaming that it was wrong. I clenched my jaw and pulled away from him, leaning back against his arms that were still on my back.

He breathed out a shaky breath and he closed his eyes sadly. "Why not?" he whispered.

"I can't, Draco," I whispered back. "I'm with Harry. I'm- I'm sorry."

He let go of me gently and I felt my heart sink to the floor.

"I should go," I said, looking straight at him. 

He wasn't looking back at me. He was leaning against the fireplace mantel, the flames lighting up his grim expression, but he gave a light nod. 

With that I opened the door and snuck back to the common room miserably.

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