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I cried out when I saw Draco, lying strewn on the wet floor, in a puddle of deep red blood.

His shirt was see-through from the water and I could see multiple gashes crossing his chest and face. The cuts reached his eye and crossed over his nose and mouth. His face, covered in all the blood, might have been unrecognizable. 

The cuts continued to seep blood and added to the growing puddle that surrounded him. He wasn't moving and he wasn't conscious. He was growing paler by the second.

Harry was crouched beside him, muttering that he hadn't meant to do it and didn't know what happened.

I dropped forward onto my knees, crawling next to Harry to lift Draco's head slightly, patting his cheeks and calling his name. I tried desperately to wake him up but he stayed unmoving.

Harry stayed sitting next to me, crouching over Draco too. I felt crowded and angry that he was still here after what he'd done. I shoved him away, screaming at him to leave but he just shuffled back towards us on his knees.

He started apologizing, looking back at Draco and then at me in shock. I continued to push him away as I wanted space for Draco and I but he would't move. It enraged me and I screamed that he'd done this on purpose. But he denied it, looking panicked.

I took my attention of him and grabbed my wand, trying to mend some of the cuts, but it was completely useless. They didn't seal even in the slightest. If anything, it looked like they stretched as even more blood was spilling out.

I was rocking back and forth, completely convinced that I was watching him die and that there was nothing I could do about it. It was dark magic that I knew nothing of. My mind kept repeating over and over, He's going to die, He's going to die, and I started to cry even harder.

I tried to lift him up; I slipped my leg under his back and rested his upper body on mine. I hugged him from behind and tried to cover his wounds. Nothing helped.

I was soaked to my skin in water and blood when I heard the washroom door slam open. Professor Snape walked in followed by a hysterical Myrtle. The professor looked pale and alarmed. He moved me aside and laid Draco back down in the water, taking out his wand and muttering a series of incantations.

Harry and I let him work in silence so that all that was heard was the sound of his muttering and Myrtle and I's sobs.

When he was done he lifted Draco up and carried him out of the room. Harry and I both stood up, eager to see if he was okay. Snape ignored me entirely but told Harry to wait there. Harry didn't move a muscle as Snape quickly left the room with a still unconscious Draco.

Harry and I stood side by side, heaving and drenched entirely in blood and water. I tried to wipe away a tear but I smeared more blood on my face. I wanted to wash it all off- it was making me the most anxious I'd ever been in my life. I almost decided to walk over to the sink, but I couldn't stand being in a room with Harry any longer.

I quickly walked to the exit and Harry called my name but I ignored him.

I looked around but Snape and Draco had already cleared the hall. A handful of students that were outside the washroom were gaping but I ignored them too.

I started for the hospital wing to meet them there and I almost slipped several times from my wet shoes.

When I made it there, Snape had just dropped off Draco and was leaving again, shutting the door behind him. I stood before him and he didn't say anything to me. His face was almost expressionless except that I could make out the slightest frown of concern.

He walked away quickly and I stood before the doors, shaking. I pushed them open and was immediately met with Madam Pomfrey. I started to cry again. "Is he going to be okay?" I stammered, scared and embarrassed by my appearance.

"He will be, but he needs rest," she said, walking forward to make me move back out of the room.

"Please, can I see him?" I begged. But she shook her head.

"Go change your clothes," she said. "Come back later."

I was going to protest but words weren't coming out. I walked back out of the hospital wing and she shut the door behind me.

I sunk down to the ground, leaning up against the wall and I didn't move for a few good minutes.

When I found strength in my legs again, I didn't head back to the common room, but rather back to the bathroom.

I thought Harry and Snape would still be there, but they were gone by now. The bathroom was still in ruins and Myrtle sat on a broken sink, crying.

"Oh, it's you," she said looking up and then crying again. "Will he be okay?"

"I hope so," I said, sadly. I was hesitant to ask my next question, but I needed to know. "Myrtle, is Draco the boy you told Harry Potter about? You told him that a boy often came in here to talk to you... and he'd cry sometimes?"

She looked like she didn't want to reveal the information, but I knew the answer already so she didn't bother lying. She nodded and rubbed her eyes.

"I don't understand," I said, shaking my head. "Why does he come here to cry? What's wrong?" She shook her head like this answer wouldn't be given up easily. "Myrtle just tell me, please!" I raised my voice from stress.

"Oh alright," she surrendered. "But even I don't know much details, he doesn't tell me everything," she sighed. 

I urged her on with a sort of impatient gesture, my eyes wide in anticipation. 

"He would come in here and say 'that he was failing' and that 'he couldn't do it.' I don't know much of what he was referring to - he wouldn't tell me," she said, looking upset. "He would say that he 'wished he didn't have to do it,' or 'wished that he had some sort of help.'"

I felt broken. I didn't understand why Draco just couldn't come to me for whatever it is he needed. I would help him with anything.

I left the room without thanking Myrtle because I was too involved with my thoughts to pay attention to my surroundings.

Next thing I knew I was back outside the hospital wing, sitting on the ground and leaning on the wall. I stayed like that for three hours. Madam Pomfrey looked surprised to still see me there when she came out for some fresh air. She saw me in the in the same clothes, still crying.

I stood up promptly and asked if I could see him finally. It looked to me like her answer would normally be no, but when our eyes met, something softened in her expression.

I couldn't say for what reason exactly - maybe it was the fact that he'd saved me before and she thought I wanted to return the favour, or even the fact that I looked like I was going to faint from stress - but she stood aside to let me pass.

I nodded to her in thanks and I took the opportunity before she changed her mind. But before I was completely inside, she grabbed me by the elbow and whispered, "be careful, child."

And with that, she shut the door.

Madam Pomfrey must have been well aware of the gossip and rumours. She'd been there every single time that accusations flew from Harry's or Ron's mouth, or anyone else's mouth for that matter. She knew what people said about him and his family, but she let me in to see him anyway. I couldn't thank her enough.

Draco was lying down, sleeping and covered in clean white sheets. I pulled the sheets higher over him, wanting him to be comfortable. I sat down in a chair and placed a gentle hand on his chest. Silent tears rolled down my cheek and I prayed that everything would be okay.

I sat with him all night, not sleeping for even a moment. He stirred only twice and each time made me fill with happiness, remembering how scary it looked when he was pale, limp and unmoving in the bathroom.

No one else came up to see him and no one came looking for me. We were completely alone.

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