The Forbidden Forest

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By evening, Hagrid still hadn't arrived. It wasn't yet passed curfew but it was getting dark out. I had twice added more wood to the fire and I cooked myself something to rid the disgusting, yet stubborn, taste of the tea from morning.

Fang didn't really need much attention. He mainly sat on his belly, drooling. I was bored out of my mind though. I had spent the better part of the day catching up on some homework and then reading for pleasure, but I was feeling very cooped up in the small circular place.

Seeing that Hagrid wouldn't be back for a while, I decided to take Fang on a walk despite the cold weather. I couldn't find a leash but as I stared at the big lazy looking thing, I figured he wouldn't go far and so he didn't need one.

"Up we go," I said as I patted him on the back, trying to get him up. The big lump of fur just stayed sitting on his tummy.

"Please," I groaned, feeling foolish for begging a dog to go outside. "I want some fresh air, Fang. We can play fetch," I suggested.

He got up on his rear legs and I cheered out loud. "Yea! Who's the best boy!" At that he seemed to look a little more enthusiastic and so in keeping this momentum, I heaved open the big door and pushed him gently outside with my foot.

It was bitterly cold but the wind was nice and refreshing. I wrapped my scarf tighter on my neck as I shut the door behind me. I started searching for a stick so that we could play. It was almost completely dark now even though it wasn't that late, but the snow was still bright enough for me to see some sticks in the distance, closer to the Forbidden Forest.

"C'mon, Fang," I coddled as I started to trudge towards the forest. Half way between the forest and the hut, I found a suitable stick. I threw it far into the distance, towards the tree line of the woods.

Where most dogs would run excitedly, Fang moved at a normal pace to retrieve it - like it was a burden for him to move any faster than a turtle. I frowned and sighed. I guess he wasn't that used to games. He was always more of an assistant to Hagrid, always accompanying him on errands into the Forbidden Forest. I waited for him to grab the stick and bring it back to me and I was surprised to notice that he kept walking forward, past the stick and into the thick line of trees.

"Fang?" I called, trying to get him to come back. But he kept on forward. "Fang!" I yelled now, at a slight jog trying to catch up to him.

Shit, I thought to myself, shoulda stayed inside. I couldn't lose the dog; How embarrassing would it be to explain to Hagrid that I lost the only dog on the planet that barely moves. Plus, the woods were dangerous and if something happened to Hagrid's poor pet, I'd never forgive myself.

I continued calling his name, now crossing into the prohibited territory. I'd never been in here before, though I knew my friends had crossed this barrier on some past accounts. I never liked the stories I heard. If you asked me my opinion, there were too many dangerous creatures near a school. But the rational part of me argued that most of the danger would be deep into the woods, and I was only near the entrance at the moment. Still, I was nervous - especially because I couldn't see Fang yet which meant he'd probably continued in.

Where the snow was thick on the fields outside the school, it was only lightly dusting the ground in the forest. Thick tree roots were still visible on the ground and I had to keep my head facing down so that I wouldn't trip over them. It was much darker in here than it was out in the open. The temperature dropped and the wind whistled hard, making my teeth chatter and my eyes blur from tears. I continued in, my footsteps cracking the strewn sticks which made sharp and loud noises that echoed loudly in the dead silence of the forest.

The trees were close to one another now and I moved some branches out of my path with my hand. "Fang?" I called, almost at a whisper, uncomfortable by the complete silence of my surroundings.

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