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Shards pierced my skin and Draco wrapped his body around me from behind, bending himself me to shield my face. Screams erupted all around us. I half-opened my eyes to see the chaos that engulfed us.

Families were running for cover, though they didn't know where to go. The little kids who were playing games were now scattered in all directions. Parents tried frantically to find and grab their children amongst the confusion, looking at the faces of every one they grabbed before releasing them again to find the right one.

And then a man appeared before us, shooting down from the sky in a cloud of black fog. His knees bent at the force of his landing and he slowly stood up, staring us down with a wicked smile.

"Expelliarums!" Draco shouted, aiming his wand at the Death Eater. I recognized him from the manor and I knew that he knew who we were too.

He deflected it it easily and started to walk towards us. Draco shouted again and again, all his spells blocked. The screams around us were still going on. Without taking my eyes off the man, I could see other black figures flipping tables and scaring the Muggles. They smashed through windows and glass was still flying everywhere.

Suddenly, I heard a painful scream stick out from the crowd. It was very high pitched, and a sort of whimper. I whipped my head in the direction of the noise and saw one of the little girls who'd let us play with her. She was bleeding copiously from the stomach. I let out a scream of my own and the Death Eater was distracted for a moment, allowing Draco the opportunity to disarm and stun him.

I separated from Draco, running to the girl. Her family wasn't around and no one was helping her; everyone was trying to take care of their own families or didn't notice she was in distress.

Her knees were shaking as she looked down at her frilly little shirt. A dark red was spreading outwards from a massive shard of glass that had pierced her in the centre. She started to whimper and her eyes were heavy, almost faint-like.

"Sshh, shhh, it's okay," I said, trying to keep her upright and brushing her hair out of the beads of sweat that were forming on her face. She was the cute little girl that had blushed a bright shade of pink when Draco had spoken to her. Now, her cheeks were devoid of any colour at all.

Draco arrived at me side, falling onto his knees to be level with the girls height, though her head still only reached his chin.

I was blinking away tears and panicked. I couldn't pull out the glass because she'd loose a lot of blood, and I didn't know if Draco knew what to do either. I looked around and searched frantically in the crowd for anyone that looked like they were looking for her - a parent, or someone. Anyone.

I ran off at a jog with people pushing past me, almost knocking me down several times. Things were still being thrown around and destroyed.

Another man, this time wearing a mask started towards me. With no wand, I had no choice but to just run. He pushed passed others, speed-walking to get to me. I was panting and pushing people away too now, trying to shake him off. I grabbed a chair near a cafe and whipped it behind me, aiming at him. I could feel my shoulder pop out as I threw the heavy wooden object with just one hand.

One of the chair's legs hit him in the face and I could see blood dripping down his mask. I made a fast decision to just run at him. Catching him by surprise, I knocked both of us the ground and I heard an awful crack as the back of his skull hit the concrete. He didn't move again.

Getting up and off him, I found a woman across the street, looking around the crowd and calling, "Charlie! Charlie!" She held a jump rope in her hand, the same one we'd used before.

"Ma'am!" I screamed at her. "Ma'am! Please, I know where she is!" I ran across the street, grabbing her wrist and bringing her to back to Draco. She screamed at the sight of her little girl and I felt my heart shatter.

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now