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Walking up the high stone steps was far from easy. I could only lift one foot at a time because my leg couldn't handle putting the pressure on it. But I wanted to climb them myself and I gently pushed Draco's hand away each time he reached to carry me.

As we ascended, several teams of three to four people made their way down, carrying stretchers and white cloth to bring the fallen back into the school. I couldn't bare to look at who they were bringing in and I closed my eyes each time the teams passed us holding a body.

When we made it to the top, I felt something slam into the very edge of my shoulder, like someone had ran into me accidentally on their distracted way out of the school. I thought I even felt the fabric of their clothes touch my skin.

I turned around to see who it was, ready to apologize, but I couldn't see anyone going down the stairs. I stayed standing in place for an extra second, confusion on my face as I looked around. But still, I saw no one.

It was odd, but I turned my attention away from it as I faced back around and stood staring at the mess that was the school's front entrance.

The windows had all been smashed and the floor was white with shattered glass. Bricks and stone were also strewn on the ground to the point where no one was stepping on the true floor - just bloody rubble and red stained glass. The once beautiful marble staircase was missing a few of its steps and the railings were smashed too, making it dangerous for anyone walking on the edge.

I watched a few people walk down it, careful where they stepped - people were slowly filing into the Great Hall.

That's where the bodies were being laid.

Draco held my hand and we walked into the large room, hesitantly. It was unnaturally quiet and the survivors all stood in huddles.

McGonagall, Pomfrey, and a few others were administering first aid, wrapping cloth around injuries and attempting healing spells.

I scanned the crowd and by chance my eyes landed on my old friends first. I could see Hermione clearly, and Ron was with her too. They were side by side at the back of the room and I slowly made my way over to them, Draco just a pace behind me.

And then I saw Ginny. My heart sunk uncomfortably in my chest as I stared at my best friend - her long hair dirty and tangled, and her eyes puffy and swollen.

The last time I saw her, fighting in the corridor outside the astronomy tower, was the day Dumbledore had died. It had been so long since then, and I missed her perhaps most of all.

But as I walked closer, I wasn't sure how she'd take my presence. Part of me hoped she'd notice me first so that I wouldn't have to awkwardly get her attention.

I bowed my head, anxious and uncomfortable.

And then saw Fred, lying down in the row of the dead and I chocked on a sob.

Ms. Weasley was kneeling next to him, her torso leaning over him as she wept and stroked his hair. Mr. Weasley was there too, a hand on his wife's shoulder as I watched his chest heave up and down, choking on silent sobs.

Ginny was looking down at her brother, tears cascading down her flushed cheeks. She peeled her eyes away from him for a quick second and turned them to the room at large, trying to catch her breath. And that's when her eyes landed on me.

To my surprise, I watched her shoulder's relax and her mouth open in relief. I almost faltered as her eyes softened and she began walking towards me.

I limped towards her too, arms outstretched. A quick second later she threw hers around my neck, and for a solid moment, we said nothing, but just sobbed breathlessly into each other.

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now