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I felt an odd sense of deja vu looking at the room - the high ceiling and tall bookcases. Random objects littered every shelf, but I couldn't place why it seemed so familiar.

And then it hit me - this was the same room that had presented itself to Draco and I many months ago on the day that Dumbdlore was assassinated; this is the room that Draco had confessed to me in. He told me that he'd "needed me" and essentially used me to cope with the demands that the Dark Lord had set upon him.

I felt a shiver run down my spine and Draco held my hand tightly. We all stood back, waiting in the shadows and watching the trio's every movements. They stayed huddled for a moment or two before finally splitting up, going down different pathways in search of the Diedum.

Draco and I moved a few paces away from Crabbe and Goyle. "I think it's a Horcrux," I whispered to him, referencing the diadem I'd just heard the trio talk about.

"I think so too," he said, leaning into my ear. "We should follow them. Make sure nothing bad happens."

"Okay," I nodded. "We should follow Harry," I said.

The Gryffindor was about to disappear behind one of the many tall shelves and so we followed, keeping some distance and being quiet. Crabbe's movements were loud and clunky and Draco glared at him to be more discreet.

But Draco's dynamic with Crabbe and Goyle was different from usual. Where the blond had always been their leader, things seemed to have changed. Now, Crabbe and Goyle marched in front while Draco and I followed closely behind them. They didn't look ready to take orders and I just hoped it wouldn't be a problem for us.

We kept our eyes locked on Harry as he browsed the shelves, his hands brushing the many old and dusty items.

Suddenly he came to a halt and his head was aimed down. He walked slowly with his hand outstretched and I knew that he had found it.

Just as he was about to reach out and touch it, Crabbe raised his wand, about to cast a curse.

Draco, thinking fast, distracted everyone, shouting "Hold it, Potter." His voice echoed in the silence that followed.

My heart was racing. We stood behind Crabbe and Goyle, but in between them. The goons had their wands pointed at Harry and Draco's was outstretched too, but I was confident he wasn't going to use it.

I didn't expect Harry to know that, though - Draco was about to be a very convincing double agent.

"That's my wand you're holding Potter," he said, voice low.

"Not anymore," replied Harry, his voice echoing in return. He gave a careless shrug.

As he continued to talk, I could see him gripping the stolen wand tighter, keeping it aimed at Draco. "Who lent you theirs?" he asked.

"My mother," said Draco.

Harry laughed and it echoed off of the million things that lined the room.

My heart was pounding fast and I wondered where Ron and Hermione were. All I could do was hope they wouldn't stumble into this mess.

Harry continued to talk, asking us why we weren't with Voldemort at the moment. Crabbe answered, stating that we were all going to be rewarded by bringing him to our lord.

"Good plan," Harry replied in mock admiration.

I wasn't sure why Harry kept talking until I noticed that he was making very subtle movements backwards. His hand was behind his back and I realized that he was trying to grab the diadem.

His questions were meant to be a distraction and it seemed to be working on the two other Slytherins. Draco and I would just have to help, answering his questions and dragging this out for as long as we could in order to ensure that Harry got what he needed.

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now