Liquid Luck

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"For the first 15 minutes, I'd like you all to try the activity on page 453 of your books," said Professor McGonagall. She waved her hands in the air in a motion that told us all to get busy.

I turned to Ginny and we shared a textbook between us. She flipped it open and I creased the pages flat.

"I don't know what to do," she moaned.

"Yea me neither," I said hesitantly, confused at why she was giving up on the work so easily. "Let's try reading it first and then see if it makes sense," I suggested. She pinched my hand and I snapped it back. "Ow!" I complained.

"Not the work, you weirdo! I don't know what to do about Dean," she explained.

"Oh," I said. "Sorry. Morning brain," I said shrugging. "Talk to me about it."

She didn't tell me too much of anything that I didn't already know. Even though they fight and make up often, she always thought that they could work it out, but now she wasn't so sure.

She surprised me when she said, "and I'm going to try fixing things with him today but if it doesn't work then that's it." She said it very seriously and wiped her hands together to show that she'd be rid of him.

"You'll break up with him?" I asked, feeling sorry for the both of them.

"Well yea, I don't know how much more of this I can take," she said sadly. "It shouldn't be this way, I want to be happy," she said. Her emotion made me feel really bad for her.

"Don't worry hun, no matter what happens between you two it'll be okay. I hope you guys can work it out but if you can't, then you're right, you need to be with someone that makes you feel much better than this."

She gave me a small smile and held my hand.

McGonagall startled us when she tapped her wand on our table. We began reading the page immediately.

When Transfiguration finished I went to go find Harry for lunch. Everyone else would be doing their Apparition testing now. I found him in the common room.

"Hey Bella," he said, reaching his hand out but staying seated. I took it and he pulled me in to kiss my cheek. His eyes were on the Half Blood Prince's book the whole time. "Sorry, I don't mean to be distracted but I'm gonna try talking to Slughorn again today so I'm just trying to collect my thoughts and see if there's anything in here."

"Okay, no problem," I said. "I'll catch up with you later."

As I walked across the common room back to the portrait hole to find something else to do, I saw Colin in the big squishy seat near the fire. "Hey," I said, stopping abruptly in my spot to greet him. He looked up at me and his smile was wide.


"Did you wanna grab lunch?" I asked him, which was something we'd never really done before.

"Definitely!" he said, springing up out of the seat that had been absorbing him.

We talked for a bit about Herbology and how we were preparing for OWLs. I asked him about his brother Dennis and his family at home, and he asked me about my dad.

"Come this way," I said, descending down more than the usual amount of staircases.

"Where're we going?" he asked.

"Have you ever been to the kitchens?" I asked him.

"The kitchens? No way! No, I've never been there!" he exclaimed. He became very excited and started talking about how he always wondered how the food was prepared and how it just magically appeared on the house tables.

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