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I awoke smiling the next morning. Not that I'd gotten much sleep - it was already 5:15 a.m. before I got back to my dorm and then Ginny started making noise at 6:30 for Quidditch. She'd made a mistake though because she'd forgotten that there was actually no Quidditch today; Today was the third apparition lessons for the sixth years so she pretty much got up for nothing.

And actually, I couldn't even be sure I fell asleep at all. My head had re-played the night with Draco over and over again, and I couldn't be sure if it replayed in a dream while I was sleeping, or if the memory was just crazy vivid while awake. Either way, I was smiling when the sun started to poke through the curtains.

I almost didn't want to get out of bed - and it wasn't because of my hatred of mornings, it was because I wanted to keep thinking about my time with Draco. I bit my lip, remembering our kiss before reluctantly pushing off the blankets and getting dressed.

I finished brushing my hair with Ginny's hairbrush because she insisted that hers works the best and I descended the stairway. A couple of second-years were sitting in the common room and I'm pretty sure they did a double-take as I walked passed them because I don't usually look this uppity in the morning.

I started to walk to the Great Hall before realizing that there'd be no breakfast there because of the Apparition lesson. I stayed outside of the doors though because the lesson wasn't going to take much longer; I figured I'd meet my friends when they came out. I half expected Ginny to be here as well, waiting for Dean. But I should have known better because, even though they had a cute display yesterday morning, I heard that they had some problems later that afternoon.

Every time the door swung open for someone to leave or enter, I peered inside. Though, instead of looking for Harry, I found my eyes scanning the room for light blonde hair. For a split second, I thought I spotted him, but it was only Luna.

When the grand doors opened and people spilled out, I finally found him. Though, Harry wasn't far behind him. In fact, he was practically right behind Draco. I watched the two of them walk out and noticed that they were glaring menacingly at each other. I became a little concerned but it all melted away when Draco caught my eye and gave me a smile. It took me back to last night and I had to concentrate to not let myself look too excited because Harry was right there.

"Hey," said Harry, walking through the crowd of exiting people and kissing me on the cheek. I wasn't looking at him as I said hey back. Instead, I was watching Draco leave the Hall and head back to the Slytherin common rooms.

"Were you in an argument just now?" I asked him when Draco was out of sight.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"With Malfoy, you were giving each other weird looks when you both came out."

"I heard him say something weird," he started to explain. "He was talking to Crabbe who seemed like he was getting frustrated for being asked to watch -"

Just then, Ginny had pushed herself between Harry and I, and she started to complain really loudly about Dean. She grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away to vent before I could finish listening to Harry. Though, based on what he'd said so far, I didn't care too much to hear the rest of the story. I though that maybe for a moment Harry had learned where I was yesterday, but fortunately it was only some irrelevant story about Draco and Crabbe.

Ginny kept me occupied talking about Dean for a good part of the afternoon. After that we spent the day doing someone homework and trading notes. By the time evening came, all I could think about what how badly I wished it was Friday again. I wanted to go to the room so much that it made my stomach hurt and head pound.

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