Chapter 73: Resurrection

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I whipped my head away from Neville and the snake and looked at the spot where Harry had laid dead only a moment ago. Hagrid was right - he was gone.

I made eye contact with Draco and there was hope in his eyes. We both exchanged brief and small smiles as he grabbed me to keep me close among the chaos around us.

Death Eaters were disapparating and we could hear Bellatrix screaming for them to come back and fight. But it was clear that this marked a change in the war- a possibility that we really had a chance.

Harry was most likely alive and I felt like I could breathe properly again despite the massive crowd pushing up against us.

The crowd rushed both Draco and I back into the school and everyone's wands were out in combat. It was almost as if the battle hadn't even stopped given how quick everyone jumped right back into it.

Once again, light ricocheted off of the walls, and rubble fell to the floor, leaving the air full of smoke. But luck seemed to be on our side this time around, and no one, as far as I could see, were getting hit by the Death Eaters' blasts.

The scene in the Great Hall mimicked the entrance. People did as best as they could to stand in front of the bodies while they fought, making sure the dead were undisturbed as the battle raged around them. But it was difficult. Despite the massive room, the amount of people crammed in here were just too numerous, and it was difficult to watch the floor on top of everything else.

Over the fighting, I heard a woman's voice calling a name. "Draco! Draco!"

The sound took me back to Malfoy Manner and I recognized it as his mother's. I shook his shoulder roughly, getting his attention which was gripped on the student's fighting just ahead.

"Draco, your mom! I hear her! She's looking for you," I shouted to him over the noise.

He looked around over the heads of the running people and we struggled to push past everyone, trying to find her. We were stepping over the dead bodies that we brought in here earlier but in that moment, I couldn't think about how horrible it was.

People were still flying about the room. I saw Neville and Ron fighting Fenrir, and George and Hagrid taking on a group of other Death Eaters.

I noticed, as we were running, that the Death Eaters were falling to the floor and felt a surge of energy in my chest as I realized that Voldemort's numbers were quickly dwindling.

We suddenly crashed into two people who had been running towards us at full speed, and I rubbed my head where it had hit someone else's. It was Draco's parents.

Both Malfoy's hugged their son tightly and when they let go, his mom, to my surprise, squeezed my hand before surprising herself by giving in and wrapping her arms around me too.

I felt the air leave my chest at her surprisingly strong grip and felt myself release a small, embarrassed smile into her hair.

She pulled back and stood shoulder to shoulder with her husband who looked unsure of his wife's actions. He stood there awkwardly given his size and Death Eater Robes.

But the reunion was cut short when Narcissa's eyes focused on a scene behind us and her face fell. I whipped my head around to see Molly Weasley challenging the blonde's sister, Bellatrix.

I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes, staring at her in fury for all that she had done, hoping Molly killed her like she deserved. But just as that thought entered my mind, Bellatrix disarmed her and Molly's wand flew across the room, well beyond her reach.

No one had yet noticed the scene as most eyes were on McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley Schacklebolt who were fighting Voldemort three on one.

My mouth was open in shock and I saw the fright in Molly's eyes as she stood defenceless against Bellatrix. The latter dipped her head and smiled like a psychopath as she took slow steps towards Molly, relishing in the intimidation she had over the Weasley.

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