Valentine's Day

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I yawned softly as I stretched my arms above my head.

"Morning sleepy head," Ginny said, throwing her lace pyjama top at me. My eyes were still malfunctioning from a long and restful sleep so the shining sun that made its way through our window wasn't much help. I kept one eye shut and squinted through the other. She looked very pretty, her hair was slightly straighter than usual and I could tell she had a soft rosy lipstick on.

"What's the occasion?"

"Are you dumb?" she asked. But I could sense in her tone that she thought I was playing.

"No really? Why are you all fancy?"

"Ok first off, I'm not all fancy. It's a subtle fanciness, okay? Get that right. And second, you should be getting fancy too. Get up."

I plopped back down instead.

After several pillows to the face from Ginny, I rolled out of bed. I put on my uniform and Ginny stood there supervising the whole time.

"Can I help you?" I asked, uncomfortable by the constant stare.

"Oh honey," she said, looking me up and down, "it's about how I can help you."

I frowned as she smiled broadly, bringing over her hairbrush.

We descended the stairs, me at my normal morning energy level, but Ginny at an unusually giddy level. She sorta pulled me by my sleeve like a little pet. Hermione came out of her room just then and we gave each other a little nod to say hello. She didn't look too happy - just my type of morning person.

At the bottom of the stairs Ginny let go of my arm to put her hands up to her face, acting all surprised as she trotted over to Dean who also looked a little fresher than usual. He handed her a pretty little flower and a gift box.

Then, I heard someone clear their throat. I shifted my gaze away from their little romantic scene and turned my focus towards my own surprising little romantic scene. There stood Harry, also looking fresh and handsome, holding a cute little bouquet of red flowers. He gave me a soft smile and offered them to me. I grabbed them gently and smiled back. I was completely confused though.

"They're lovely," I said, smelling them. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Valentine," he said, blushing a little. The top part of his hair started to poke up again and he tried to smooth it back down.

I was confused only for a second more before I released it was February 14. The realization must have showed up on my face because Ginny yelled from across the room that she thought I'd been joking when I asked her what the occasion was.

Dean looked very proud of Ginny's affection for him. She had her arm linked in his and I noticed she clung on even tighter when Ron walked by, probably in spite of the last time Ron got mad at her public display of affection.

He walked right past her though, searching the room almost frantically. I noticed that Hermione had a very unflattering scowl across her face and she left the room at once, heading out for breakfast. Ron left too, but it didn't look like he was following her - more like he was trying to escape the common room.

Harry laughed. "Yea so Ron's gonna try and avoid Lavender today."

"That'll never work, she's attached to him," I said matter-o-factly.

"You don't say?" he said, playfully sarcastic. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and spun us around so we could head out for breakfast as well.

Right as I was about to step through the portrait hole, I was taken by surprise as a little curly haired goblin ran up behind me, punched my raised foot back to the ground, and made an odd sort of battle cry. It then pushed me to the side, sending me crashing into Harry, and ran out the portrait hole, chasing after Ron.

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