Muggle Training

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We'd stayed in the village for so long that I lost track of the days. It might have been a little over a month, but I honestly didn't know, nor did I care. We'd completely let all fear and worry about the Wizarding world escape from our minds. We spend our days enjoying anonymity and the quaintness of the cute village, and all night enjoying each other's company.

The morning after our first night here, Draco had ordered room service. I woke to breakfast in bed, accompanied by a sweet kiss.

"How'd you know how to use the phone?" I had asked him.

"Phone?" he asked, brows furrowed.

"How'd you call for breakfast?" I had asked, confused at his confusion.

"I went downstairs to tell them," he had said, like I should have known this.

"Oh wow," I'd said, giggling a little. "You're a really bad Muggle."

"Hey," he'd said, unsure of whether this should offend him or not.

"I'll teach you," I'd said, we're in no hurry to leave. I picked up the phone receiver and began to show him how it worked.

When we left the hotel that morning, Draco had used his wand for what would be the only time throughout the whole trip - to get the woman at the entrance to keep our room booked free of charge for as long as we needed.

We'd passed by Muggle children who played Muggle games like hopscotch and jump rope. Draco had looked very confused, almost appalled actually.

"This is amusing?" he had asked me, concerned, gesturing to the girls who were jumping over a quick flying rope that kept slapping the ground hard before coming up and around again.

"Of course it is!" I miss these games actually, I was once very good at jump rope."

All of a sudden he put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. The young girls playing jump rope stopped to look. My moth hung open slightly, totally caught off guard by what he was doing.

"Hey!" he had said brightly. "Mind if my friend over here takes a turn."

I thought they'd be totally weirded out, but instead they seemed eager to have a new player. I smiled and let myself relax, stepping up to the rope.

"I'm a pro, just so you know," I had said, looking at Draco who was looking at me like he expected me to trip and die.

He'd stayed a few feet back, a grin on his face with his arms folded across his chest. He'd licked his lips lightly and shook his head, clearly thinking I was a fool.

The girls swung the rope over my head and I took the first jump.

"Strawberry shortcake, apple berry pie, who's gonna be your luck guy? A, B, C, D, E,..."

His confusion was evident as soon as the girls started singing this song, and he looked at me almost in alarm as I passed the letter D. His arms fell back down to his sides and his expression made me laugh so that I'd almost missed my jump.

The girls finished the alphabet, getting back to Z and started back at A again, looking impressed. I'd passed D again and Draco had crossed his arms, frowning. It was hard to jump when I was laughing so much and I missed my jump, my foot getting caught on N.

"Awwww," all the girls moaned at my mistake.

"You were doing so good too," one of them said before another girl took my place in the middle. They started the game again and I waved bye, thanking them for letting me play.

Draco and I continued our walk. "So," he had said sternly, giving me a scolding look.

"So," I'd said, excitedly.

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