"What's a boy?"

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On the morning that the train left for Christmas break, I gathered the things I wanted to bring back home and put them in a large backpack. The last item I collected was my Transfiguration book which was bookmarked by the picture that Colin took of me in the hospital. Very unflattering, but even Ginny agreed - it did make me look badass. I zipped the bag up and swung it over my shoulder while Ginny did the same with hers.

We ate breakfast in the Great Hall which was full of talkative voices bidding their friends goodbye for the break. It was decorated beautifully with the 12 huge trees that Hagrid prepared every year. It had been so long since I ate actual good food because I'd been dining on a plastic tray for over two weeks.

Madam Pomfrey had been right about me staying in hospital wing for a longer time though; On one occasion, when I started to feel better, I sat up a bit too quick and I ripped open the stitches that crossed my chest. Now they were all healed and her herbs worked well enough that the scars running over the top of my chest were barley visible.

Dean sat with us and so did Hermione. Meanwhile, Harry sat with Ron but they both looked very annoyed at Lavender. She was clinging onto Ron's waist as he ate, sobbing about how she'd miss him.

In a sense, Ron was lucky that he wasn't invited to the Christmas Party because he'd have had to deal with Lavender for 3 consecutive hours. Harry had taken Luna to the party since I wasn't allowed out. His choice enraged a tremendous number of girls, or so I heard.

When I finally finished the last of my eggs and the others had finished their meals as well, we headed for the train. The weather was quite snowy and it made walking in a straight line difficult. It also made it difficult to see who else was going home for the holidays and who'd be staying at the castle.

Squinting my eyes against the blowing snow and wind, I looked around to see if Draco was anywhere in sight. I could barely see a few feet in front of me though so I gave up. I wasn't sure if he'd be going home because there wasn't much for him there; His father was in Azkaban, but then again, maybe he'd want to keep his mother company for that same reason.

I had no idea how he'd actually be spending his holiday because we hadn't talked to each other since the day of my attack - and that didn't even qualify as a conversation.

Harry and I hadn't really talked that much either. Of course, that could easily be explained by the fact that I was in the hospital wing for the entire time. But also, every time he did come to visit, I wasn't very receptive; I was holding a grudge over the way he behaved towards Draco, who after all, was the reason I was still alive.

I hadn't thought too much of Harry's accusations because I knew Draco wasn't a Death Eater - a Death Eater wouldn't have saved me. In honesty, it's more likely that Pansy is the Death Eater. She didn't seem like she cared whether I lived or died. It was Draco who forced her to go get help, and not before he screamed at her, pushing her to obey - she'd have let me bleed out without a second thought.

Though, I did start to feel a little bad for Harry once my anger had subsided. I knew he had my best interests in mind which is why he freaked out on Draco, but he just can't see what I do. Draco isn't a Death Eater and I was grateful that he was out there when he was, even if he was there with Pansy.

We boarded the train and Ginny went to go sit with Ron and Harry. Hermione, still not on speaking terms with Ron, started walking in the opposite direction and so I followed her. She smiled at me softly, appreciative of the fact that I chose to keep her company.

We made a fun ride out of it, gossiping and ordering anything with chocolate off the trolley. She told me about her experience with Cormac at the party.

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