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By now I couldn't say how long I've been here. Maybe just over two weeks? It could have been much more than that, but I'd lost track of time completely. I was constantly hungry and I never had enough water to rid the lump that'd been in my throat since the first night here.

Draco came down everyday, morning and night, but I was never receptive.

Olivander stayed in a sleep-like state most of the time. After the incidence with Bellatrix he looked even more old and frail than ever. We never really did talk talk much, but it was nice to not be alone, not totally isolated from everyone. Plus, he was happily surprised when he woke up on that first morning to find a piece of bread there for him. He had eaten it with a small smile and trembling fingers. He nodded gratefully at me but I shook my head, not wanting to be thanked for advocating that he have such a basic necessity.

It was colder than usual this morning even though it had to have been the middle of summer by now. As I sat against the wall, I pulled my knees closer to my chest and rubbed my arms, trying to create warmth. Eventually, I heard the familiar pace and weight of the footsteps I'd Ron so used to walking down the stairs.

Normally he spoke to me ver though I would never look at him, but this time I didn't hear his voice. It was odd. My head turned to look at him on its own accord. His head was bowed and he was leaning against the bars.

"Draco?" I asked, unsure what was wrong.

He waited a moment before speaking in a horse whisper. "He's coming," he said.

"What?" I said, getting onto my knees. "Who? What are you talking about?"

Draco's eyes glanced up to meet mine for a brief second before fixing themselves back onto his feet.

"You know who," he said, grimly. "Tomorrow."

My shaking hand slowly moved up to cover my mouth. "Tomorrow?" I whispered in question, and he nodded once.

I knew this day would come, but I could never have anticipated how I'd feel when it did.

I needed to be sick. Me knees suddenly couldn't support my weight and I sat back down. I saw his arm wearily reach between the bars, like he wanted to catch me.

"Bella," he said. "It's going to be okay."

"How?" I said, through muffled speech.

He didn't answer. I looked up at him again and saw him in the better light. He looked worse than ever. His under-eyes were purple and his charming blue eyes were blood shot.

"Listen," he began. "I don't know how it will work exactly, but you'll probably be invited to sit with us at the table-"

"-Invited?" I asked. "I don't understand. Aren't I a - a prisoner?"

He winced slightly at the last word. "He'll still want you at the meeting, at least for the first time so that you both get 'acquainted.' He did it with the others before you." He gestured to Olivander who sat slumped on the other side of the room.

I didn't like the sound of anything he was telling me.

"Bella, when he speaks, don't look him in the eye. Actually, it's important you don't look anyone else in the eye either." He started to speak fast, giving me rapid advice. "Don't move around in your seat more than you need to. Don't speak unless spoken to first," he warned. "I'll be there too, but you can't look at me either. Draw as little attention to yourself as you can..."

I had stood up again, trying to bring feeling back into my legs. I paced a little bit as he spoke. I was having a hard time processing all the information, but I understood the gist of it. My hands were visibly shaking and my body had grown colder from the anxiety. He reached his hand through the bars, hoping I'd take it, but I didn't.

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now