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I knew that my sense of sound had returned when when the yelling woke me up. 

My eyes were heavy and were hesitant to open. Through my eye lids, I could tell that I was in a brightly lit room that starkly contrasted the black that I was surrounded in before passing out. With tremendous effort I forced myself to open my eyes and found myself in the hospital wing. 

Madam Pomfrey was running around in the distance, grabbing bottles and herbs and piling them against her chest. I saw McGonagall speaking urgently with Madam Sprout in the corner of the room. I could also hear the shrill sound of Pansy Parkinson's voice which gave me a headache more than any other sound in the room. 

I tried to move, but felt a burning sensation in my chest, like I'd just tore my wounds open even more. I screamed through a closed mouth, groaning and slamming my head back down onto the pillow. 

All eyes were back on me and immediately; Draco shoved Parkinson away from him, making her stumble backwards as he ran over to my bed side, kneeling down to my level. 

His clothes were still bloodied and damp from the snow outside which told me that I hadn't been passed out for that long. It was definitely the same day, maybe even the same hour. His blue eyes were staring into mine, panicked. His hand reached up and lightly pushed my forehead, keeping my head down on the pillow, whispering for me to relax. But with every passing second that I grew more awake, I realized how much pain I was in. My eyes were welling with tears and as much as I wanted to scream aloud, I kept my mouth shut, muffling it. 

He was stroking my hair, moving it away from my face as Madam Pomfrey started pouring some liquid onto a large cloth. She dabbed it onto my wounds and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I screamed horribly and Draco winced at the sound, but held onto my hand tightly. 

Between my screams I could hear arguing near the doors. I turned to the side trying to see what was happening. 

While my vision was fuzzy, I could see who it was. Harry was trying to enter the Hospital by getting around Snape who was blocking the doors. They were screaming at each other but it was all unintelligible to me. Eventually Harry pushed Snape backwards, running into the room. His eyes locked on me and Draco by my side. Draco said stood up from his kneeling position.

Harry reached out and grabbed Draco's shoulder, pushing him down on the ground aggressively. The suddenness caused Pansy and Professor Sprout to shriek. 

Draco got up quickly and stood at his full height, taller than Harry. He moved close, getting in his face and scowling. Harry didn't back off though. They stared at each other, hate in both their faces.

"Stay away from her," spat Harry. 

"I saved her," Draco retorted, teeth clenched. 

Harry stepped even closer, their faces inches from each other's now. He scowled. "It's your fault though isn't it," whispered Harry, "that dark creatures now come out in the day, attacking people like her," he said, raising a hand to point at me. 

Draco looked angrier by the second but I saw a fleeing look of nervousness in his eyes. 

Harry repeated himself, still very quiet but a little louder this time. "Stay away from her, Death Eater."

Draco immediately pushed Harry hard in the chest, forcing him to stumble backwards. Harry retaliated quickly, lunging forward, but Snape, who must have heard that last bit, had thrown himself between them the second that Harry called Draco that name. 

Professor Mcgonagall was shouting for them to stop fighting and Pansy continued to shriek, rushing forward to grab Draco by the hands. Snape ushered her aside like an annoying bug, and he grabbed Draco by his sweater, dragging him away. Harry was being restrained by Professor McGonagall and Sprout, but his mouth was shooting off, cursing Draco with foul language. 

I watched as Draco was escorted out of the room by his head of house. Our eyes met when he turned over his shoulder to get a last look at me. 

When the teachers let him go, Harry stood standing in his place, shaking in anger. Finally, he walked forward and kneeled down, looking at my face and holding my hand as Draco had done. 

Madam Pomfrey placed a hand on his shoulder and told him that I needed to rest. He protested but she insisted, trying to lift him up by the elbow. He stood up after a moment, kissing me on the forehead before being walked out of the room by McGonagall.

When they left, Madam Pomfrey dimmed the lights and lifted my head gently to spoon feed me a sweet syrup. I felt drowsy instantly and the room started to spin. 

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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