Lightning has Struck

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About a week later, Draco and I found ourselves sitting in a large coffee shop, making notes on some paper as we discussed our situation.

The place was almost like a diner, with stools pushed up against a bar and the LED lights plastered against the window that flashed 'open 24 hours' on a continuous loop. It was pretty empty at this point, though we'd hardly noticed the people who'd cleared out as the night progressed, deep in our own thoughts.

"Refill?" said a woman's voice, startling the two of us out of a tired slump. It was the waitress, lazily holding a large pot of steaming coffee, her head cocked to the side waiting for our answer.

"Yes, please," I said in a tired voice.

Draco nodded too and she poured the two of us what had to be our fifth cup in just three hours. She left again and I took a big gulp, setting it down afterwards and warming my hands on the side of the cup.

I watched Draco take a swig and sit back in his chair, looking up at the television that hung on the wall. It was turned down to a faint volume but a news channel was running.

" of 4 found dead in their home located just outside of Shaftesbury, two children among them and no known cause of death..."

I clenched my teeth and looked away, but the sound, however faint, was still clear in the practically empty shop.

"...deaths are deemed suspicious but the circumstances are puzzling the authorities..."

It wasn't much of a surprise at this point - we'd heard six other news stories just like this one. They always told these types of stories at night; the lesser the views the better as to not cause a mass panic by the mysterious circumstances and high death count.

I tried to tune out the buzz of the tv, ready to focus on our research again, but Draco still had his eyes glued to the screen, the corners of his mouth pulled down slightly.

Just then I noticed a street light flicker from across the road. I turned my head and peered out the window, struggling to see outside of it and not just the reflection of the inside of the shop. It flickered again and I thought I made out a black robe. But then it was gone.

I shook my head, realizing I needed sleep.

"...bringing the open homicide case up to a total of 37 people just in the last two weeks..."

I took a deep breath in and out, trying to let the stress escape my body. Draco's attention was turned to me at the sound of my breath and his weary expression turned into a small smile for what I assumed was my sake.

"Want something fancier?" he asked, referencing the plain cup of coffee.

"Like?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"I know you'd want a chocolate frog but unfortunately a chocolate muffin might have to do," he said.

I smiled a little. "Too late for chocolate, it's okay," I said, glancing at the news channel which said 1:32 a.m.

"Police are advising that home owners take security precautions at night, sending out reminders to lock doors and windows..."

"How about a cappuccino then," he suggested, obviously attempting to impress me with his new vocabulary of muggle drinks.

"Yes, I suppose it's never too late for that," I nodded with an eye roll.

He took me seriously and smiled, pushing himself out of his seat, digging his hand into his pocket to grab some bills. I didn't call him back. Maybe I did need coffee if I was hallucinating. I watched him walk over to the woman behind the bar, handing her the cash. He'd gotten good at the whole Muggle money thing.

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