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He talked for almost half an hour in a steady pace and low voice.

He began by telling the others how he had felt forced into a life that he never really wanted once he had grown old enough to truly understand the magnitude of it all.

He turned to discuss how Voldemort attempted to punish his father, slowly torturing him, by giving Draco a task that he wouldn't be able to accomplish. No one had expected him to be able to do it, and the punishment set a heavy weight upon the whole family.

Although clarification wasn't necessary, he told them that the task was his assassination of Dumbledore. The others shifted in their seats uncomfortably while Draco avoided all eye contact. He explained that the Room of Requirement had showed him someone who would help him get through it all; he thought it meant that I'd help him do it, but soon learned the truth of the Room's meaning - that I'd help him overcome the path he was set on, and help him turn to our side.

He explained that he stole me away on Friday nights, getting close to me in the Room of Requirement, away from prying eyes. He confessed that he came to regret his actions, caused only by sheer desperation. Over our many visits, he learned exactly how much he didn't want to be a pawn anymore, and confessed his mistake of dragging me down with him.

He explained that any hardship Harry and I had endured was his fault as he'd purposely come between us. He apologized almost tearfully for causing a rift between me and them, remembering how I was harshly excluded from their group after our relationship was discovered. I winced, recalling how painfully it had cost me all my friendships. The others seemed unsettled too, and Ginny put her hand on my knee while Draco continued.

He explained that the only reason we were fighting against the Order the night Dumbledore was assassinated was because we were defending ourselves. Naturally, none of the Order had known that he would have rather been fighting on their side. So when they aimed at him, he had no choice but to aim back, which unfortunately dragged me along with him into the mess - I only casted a curse to protect him.

He explained how we were living in his manner for weeks, and how my dad was murdered by Bellatrix. It wasn't long after that we failed at the whole double agent act - his family soon found out about my lack of loyalty upon the death of my father.

He detailed how we'd escaped on the night that Harry was being moved by the Order, and how we'd lived in the forest and in a Muggle village before eventually making plans to hunt and destroy horcruxes. In the mean time, we'd made ourselves useful in London, helping the families and communities that had been attacked by Death Eaters.

He finished by telling the others that we ultimately found our way back here upon hearing the coded message on the radio.

Throughout his entire speech, the others took in every single word he said. I was both surprised and impressed that Ron, of all people, was so patient and captivated by the blond's words. Though, it was a tribute to how well he described the events, and there was hardly anything for me to add when he concluded.

They forgave us easily for the stupid drama we'd caused last year and Ginny squeezed my hand when she saw me upset once more over the memory of our ruined friendship.

Draco cleared his throat which was raspy from the long talk. He took a swing from a dirty water goblet and I rubbed his back in small, comforting circles.

Suddenly, there was a deafening noise coming from outside the school. Draco choked on his water and almost spluttered the remains out of his mouth. The drops landed on Ron's knees, earning Draco an angry look from the red-head that was only softened by the eventual shift to a worried expression. It wasn't clear what caused the sound.

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