Three Words

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That night in the common room, Harry and I sat alone near the fire. It was late and the others had all gone to bed. I was resting my head on Harry's chest as we lay cuddled together on a soft chair. We mostly sat in silence, just enjoying the others' company.

"Bella," he said softly, but startling me nonetheless.

"Mm?" I said, straining to look up at him.

"What did the Amortentia smell like to you?"

The question made my heart skip a beat. All day I had done everything I could to not think about it because I was convinced something was wrong with the potion. There was no point dwelling over something that made absolutely no sense. But still, I felt uneasy.

I shifted myself off of him and looked at his face, but he was avoiding my gaze.

Nervous as I was, I said, "you, of course." I felt a tinge of guilt as I falsely reassured him. "Why would you ask that question?"

"Oh I don't know," he said, turning his head around so that I would have a harder time looking at him. "It's just...I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you, and when the fumes started to spread around the room and there were whispers of it being a love potion...I looked over at you, but you were't looking back at me," he finished, sadly.

I felt guilty for lying, the truth sitting heavy on my chest. But I couldn't logically explain what had happened in the potion room - not to him and not even to myself. So how could I have told him anything else?

I tried to working out in my head what had happened while brewing it. I recalled all the materials necessary, and I strained to remember if I had added them all correctly, in the right quantities. And as far as I could remember, I did. But maybe Malfoy had messed it up, maybe he was responsible for getting it wrong? 

I almost groaned out loud trying to figure it out. As far as Slughorn was concerned, nothing was wrong with it. But there was absolutely no way that the smell in that cauldron showed any 'love' for Malfoy because it just wasn't true - I didn't love him, I hardly knew him actually.

"Harry, look at me," I said, placing my hand on his cheek and turning his face to look at mine. "You mean everything to me, okay. Please don't be worried."

He smiled weakly and I felt worse.

My guilt and nerves urged me not to sit in silence so I teased him playfully. "And how can I be sure that it was me the Amortenia reminded you of?

He didn't laugh, but rather looked at me with deep affection. Softly he said, "who else could it be."  I held my breath, heart beating fast. "It was you, Bella. It's always been you." He kissed the top of my head and breathed me in. "It smelled so sweet - like you." I could feel his small smile resting on the top of my head. 

I was surprised by how intense he was being. But, his next words surprised me even more.

"I love you, Bella."

My heart skipped a beat. 

I had waited so long for something to finally happen between Harry and I, and these words should have meant everything to me. For a few short weeks, being with him was absolutely perfect, but as time progressed, things didn't seem quite as I thought they should. But he had done nothing wrong, and I couldn't understand why I felt off. 

I may have even considered myself to have loved him once, back when he wasn't ready for us. But now that he was, for some reason, it seemed that it was my turn not to reciprocate the feelings. 

Tears welled in my eyes. I had no idea what was wrong with me.

To make things worse, Harry mistook my emotion for appreciation, and he hugged me tightly. I could feel his smile against my neck.

Inside, the guilt was crushing me.


I woke up in the morning and had, in the night, managed to convince myself to make peace with what had happened the evening before; Whatever was wrong with me in terms of Harry would be resolved in no time. After all, I did love him once and so I could love him again. 

I got dressed and finished the outfit with my Gryffindor tie, barely remembering to grab my wand as I made my way out the door. 

I felt in better spirts as I made my way to Herbology. As I walked towards the greenhouses, the sixth years were making their way out. I passed by Hermione and Ron who were red in the face and too preoccupied to notice me saying hello. Harry trailed behind them and he smiled at me once we crossed paths.

"Whats up with them?" I said, laughing bewilderedly and pointing to Hermione and Ron who were now a far distance away.

"It looks like Hermione and Ron will be going to Slughorn's Christmas party," he said with a smirk.

"Awe, that's so sweet," I said, happy for the two of them, watching as they walked back to the castle. "I've seen the way they look at each other when the other doesn't notice. It's about time," I said, smiling.

"I agree," he said. "And about time for us too, don't you think?" he said with a smirk.

I laughed at that. "Yes, about time for us too."

He surprised me all of a sudden when he got down on one knee and spoke in a mock sophisticated voice. "Bella Nickoletti," he proclaimed, "would you do me the honour of allowing me to escort you to The Christmas Party?"

I tried to lift him up off the ground as he spoke. "You complete idiot, get up," I said laughing while embarrassed as I noticed that we were making a scene. Some of the nearby girls had stopped walking and were pointing in our direction. 

"Not until you agree to come!" He held his weight on his knee and I knew I couldn't lift him.

"Of course I'll go with you, you raving lunatic! Now stand up!" I said, continuing to pull on his elbow to get him to stand. I gave the watching crowd a nothing to see here sort of look.

He got off his knee and kissed me passionately, taking me by surprise before grabbing his bag off the ground and getting ready to catch up with his friends.

"Love you, Bells!" he called as he sped off after Hermione and Ron who were halfway across the ground now. "See you after class!"

He left me smiling and flustered when I finally walked into the greenhouses. 

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