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I pushed the door open with my right hand and took a step forward. My jaw dropped.

What was usually a small and cosy space now looked like I wandered straight into the Great Hall at Christmas time. The room extended far inwards, and the ceilings were incredibly tall - just as the real Hall is. I looked up at the ceiling and watched the faintest of snowflakes float down slowly and land upon the many tables that were draped in a light blue fabric. Staring at the scene made it become more and more familiar by the second. It was like unlocking a memory. It wasn't just the Great Hall at Christmas, I realized- This was an exact replica of the Yule Ball from two years ago.

I heard someone clear their throat and I smiled brightly before turning to my side.

There he was. Dressed in an expensive black suit with his hair combed back, only a small piece fell to the front of his face, framing his deep blue eyes. He removed his hands from behind his back and a revealed a charming bouquet. I was almost too stunned to reach forward and thank him. My hands moved by themselves and I took a couple steps forward to accept them.

"Draco," I said, faltering as I looked around at everything. "This is amazing."

"I'm happy you like it, Arabella," he grinned, a slight pink in his pale cheeks.

I continued to take it all in from my periphery while I stared at his beautiful suit and bouquet. Suddenly I felt out of place. Everything here was so refined and elegant. I, meanwhile, was no where near dressed for the occasion.

He took me by the hand at that exact moment and walked me to the far end of the room. We stopped in front of one of those old fashioned changing curtains. It was translucent enough for me to make out certain shapes behind it, and I could tell that a long dress was hanging there. I put my hand to my mouth, pleasantly shocked by everything he had done.

"Is that for me?" I asked him, gesturing towards the curtain with a nod of my head .

"Yes it is," he replied, smiling still. "I hope you like it. It's quite similar to the one you actually wore."

"You didn't miss a detail did you?" I said, teasing him with a smile. Everything here was so planned and perfectly executed - The room, the flowers, the awaiting dress.

"I told you I was planning something," he said, like I should never have doubted his abilities. "I had to get the room exactly right before I could invite you," he said. "Go on, I'll be waiting," he said, urging me to change.

I blushed and handed the flowers back to him before I went around the curtain. The dress was was hanging on the side. It was long and emerald green, just like my actual one. It looked similar enough that I was surprised by how much he remembered from that night in order to re-create it.

Some details were changed, though I got the sense they were done on purpose; Down its flowy length was a long slit that ran along its right side and stopped at my upper thigh. The front had somewhat of a deeper V cut, and the open-back of the dress draped almost down to my tail bone.

I smiled and removed my shirt, aware that he could see my silhouette from the other side of the curtain as I slipped on the dress. At the bottom of the curtain was a pair of silver stilettos that were identical to the ones I wore at the Yule ball. I slipped them on and stepped out from behind the curtain.

"Beautiful," he said, simply.

I blushed as I walked towards him. "I like the alterations," I said with a small smirk.

"Yes, so do I," he said taking my hand and spinning me to get a look. "Care for a drink?" he asked.

I nodded and we walked hand in hand to the bar. Of course, no one was tending it, and so Draco walked behind it and removed his jacket. He rolled up his sleeves and grabbed some glasses. He was a cute bartender, I thought, struggling not to smile too much.

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