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That same night, I found myself staring up at the ceiling of my four poster bed. I had decided against following the instructions written on the note; I had no obligations to Malfoy and no incentive to break school rules by being out past curfew.

Despite my decision, sleep was not afforded to me. I had gotten into bed quite late and stayed tossing and turning for at least two hours. 

Giving up on sleep, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and looked out between the half-closed curtains of the window nearest to me. I gazed up at the starts. I couldn't see the moon, though it lit up the sky and cast a cool bright light into our dorm. 

I looked at the lightly illuminated clock and saw that it was 4am. Knowing there was no chance of falling asleep now, I decided to move to the common room. I slipped a grey cardigan over my white nightgown and put on some thick, warm socks.

Careful not to wake anyone, I made my way down the spiral staircase and into the common room. 

Though my brain told me to sink down onto the nice comfy couch, my legs kept walking forward - straight toward the portrait hole. 

After opening it, I carefully climbed through and shut it again, trying very hard not to make any noise. My socks were quiet on the stone floor but I took careful steps as to not wake any portraits and kept a lookout for Filtch's cat. I peered around all the hallways and descended down the stairs. 

Finally, I reached the familiar wall.

Like last time, I thought of nothing in particular and yet the door materialized, growing large and solid enough for me to touch it. I reached my hand out and pushed it forward, entering the room.

I half expected not to see anyone in there because it had taken me so long to show up.

But there he stood. 

He was leaning against the backside of a couch with his head facing down and his hands clutching the top of it behind him. His cloak was removed and hung over the side of the couch; He wore only his white school shirt, sleeves rolled up. 

When I was completely inside the room, and the door at had been sealed off once more, he spoke.

"Arabella. I didn't think you were coming," he said in a tired voice.

"I didn't think I was either."

I stayed where I was and he also didn't move; His head still was still hung down so I took the opportunity to look at the room we were in. The ceilings were high but the room wasn't too big. It was roughy the same size and shape of the Gryffindor common room. There was a glowing fireplace at the far side of the room and a love seat across from it, the one that Malfoy was leaning on. Besides that, the room, which was made of large grey stones, was empty.

When he spoke again, he pushed himself off of the side of the couch and began to move around to the front to sit down. He beckoned me to follow. 

"You must be confused," he said.

"I am," I agreed. 

I sat down at the other side. I made an effort not to look at him as I found the whole situation to be embarrassing, but I could feel his eyes on me. I waited for his gaze to turn away but it didn't. I turned to look at him, thinking he would instinctively look away, but he still continued to stare at me.

"Stop that," I said

"What?" he inquired, gently.

"Staring into my soul," I joked, trying to ease the tension, but it was an accurate description nonetheless.

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now