The Village

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When we got to the outskirts of the village, we passed by an old man who nodded to us. I gave him a friendly smile and kept going. Draco just looked awkward and nervous. He'd reached for my elbow a few times to keep me close, but never committed to actually grabbing it.

I was heading towards the square which was just passed a few shops and a quaint coffee place. Some Muggle women were sitting and talking, their young kids playing together on the pavement.

I kept catching glimpses of Draco's face in the reflection of the shops' windows. His head moved around quickly to take everything in, his expression a mixture of intrigue, confusion, and worry.

"What exactly are we looking for?" he asked, taking two big steps forward to catch up.

"A restaurant," I said. But then I stopped in my tracks and he had to back up again. "Shit, money..." I said realizing we'd obviously need to pay.

Draco looked like he wanted to help but didn't know what to do.

"Okay, we're gonna find a bank first," I decided only a second later.

"A bank?"

"Yes, a bank. You should know what that is," I spoke to him as if he were a child. "Your family stores all your gold and fancy things in one of them."

"Ha, funny," he said dryly. "Why would there be a bank in a small village."

"Muggles have lots of banks, not just one. And we could find an ATM."


"Can you just stop talking," I said, hunger making me more annoyed than I already was with him.

Finally, I saw an ATM across a street. I jaywalked across in a hurry and Draco followed, looking like he didn't want to get left too far behind. I started pressing the buttons, and putting in my PIN number.

"I'll withdraw as much as I can get," I said to him as he leaned against the machine. It started to spit out the bills and Draco looked appalled and fascinated at the same time.

"This is the money?"


"It's kinda uhh - weird," he said, like he was trying hard not to be offensive. It evidently looked very different than galleons, sickles and knuts.

"This weirdness is going to pay for our lunch," I said, giving him an annoyed face and walking away again. He trotted quickly to keep up with my determined pace.

"Want pizza?" I asked as I stopped in front of a wood-burning pizzeria. Before he could nod I was already walking inside, grinning broadly at the heavy man who stood behind the counter greeting us.

"Anywhere you'd like," he offered, gesturing to the available seats. He looked between the two of us and gave a soft smile. "We have a more private booth near the back if you'd prefer?"

"Yes, please," Draco answered quickly, talking over my shoulder.

The man led us to the back and we ordered right away. He took off again to the kitchen.

"Private booth?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Don't wanna take chances," said Draco, not looking at me but at our surroundings.

Oh. I'd misunderstood. I'm sure the man had assumed we were a couple, and I thought Draco had made a move in accepting the private booth. I felt stupid and got up to use the washroom, not wanting to stay sitting in front of him.

I washed my face and used the water to smooth out my hair. My clothes were cleaner after Draco washed them, and I didn't look too dishevelled which was a big surprise. I came back out and saw the waiter leave a pizza on the table in front of Draco.

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