The Snake

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The room was still.

No one moved a muscle. Even though I was out of sight, I was scared that if I made any sort of movement, the silence would break and attention would be back on Draco and I.

As I stood there, I realized how spectacularly our plan had failed. Not only did Draco not manage to retrieve my wand, but he lost his too; Harry had taken it from him. He and I both had nothing now.

I looked at Draco who was also not moving. His chest was heaving from the struggle and his hair was dishevelled. I was proud of him though. I knew that his family would have been forgiving towards him for everything he'd done with me if he had just admitted that it was Harry. And yet he didn't.

But I was still in complete disbelief about how the trio and Dean were found. It was a remarkable coincidence that we were all here at the same time. In a way, I was comforted to have seen them again. To know that they were still out there, together. But seeing them so helpless was a low that I could barely describe.

Poor Hermione. I hoped she'd be alright. I don't think she was too badly hurt; she was able to stand, granted with Ron's help, and she looked mostly panicked, but I knew that Ron would be there to help her when they land wherever they disapparated to.

But that knife.

I had no idea who it hit. It could have been any of them.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Draco starting to back up, unseen by the rest of the group. His retreat was successful until his foot rolled over a stray wand that had fallen on the ground, probably one of the earlier snatches Bellatrix scared off.

It made a loud noise and everyone's attention was immediately turned to him.

In a complete blur, I saw Draco snatch the wand off the floor and run to his mother. Startled by his quick advance, she barely moved when his hand reached for her wand too and he snatched it from her hand.

He ran back to me and pulled me hard by the arm as we ran down the hall. I could hear Bellatrix shrieking but I hadn't even the slightest idea what she was saying over the sound of my heartbeat and our echoing footsteps as we sprinted.

When we were a good enough distance away, he grabbed both of my hands, gave me a quick nod as he looked in my eye, and I felt the sensation of being compressed through the air once again


We landed in dark and thin alleyway of what seemed like a busy city street.

Our arrival startled a cat that was relaxing on one of the many grey bins that overflowed with rubbish. It mewed loudly and jumped off, running away. Draco and I were breathing heavy and I leaned over to rest my shoulder on the brick wall.

"Here," he said after a second, handing me a long thin wand. "I know it isn't yours but at least is something."

I took the wand from his outstretched hand. It wasn't very smooth and it felt oddly heavy in my hand. It wasn't straight either, but rather the tip faced an odd angle.

"It'll take getting some used to," I sighed. "But you're right, better than nothing," I grinned, trying to be optimistic. "And what about yours? You grabbed your mother's?"

He looked distraught at having stolen her wand, biting the inside of his cheek lightly.

"Come on," he said, leaving the question unanswered and holding my arm, leading me out of the alley.

It was dark out now but the city was bustling with life. Traffic roared passed us as we walked briskly down the street. The neon lights of shops were practically blinding; it had been so long out in the dark woods, and before that, in the dusty Malfoy cellar. And I suppose, even before that, I hadn't seen London at night in a long while.

My head was pounding with every step and I realized just how tired I was.

"Draco we need to find a place to stay," I said to him, drowsily, as he continued to pull me.

"I know, I'm looking," he said, determined. I was surprised by the energy he seemed like he had. I was completely wiped and all I'd done was panic from behind the corner of the hallway the whole time.

A few moments later we found a hotel. It wasn't grand, but it looked nice. We pushed the glass on the rotating doors and felt a cool draft of air conditioning as we entered the lobby.

I patted down my pockets looking for some money, but before I could even see if I had anything, Draco's wand was pointed at the woman behind the counter and he mumbled under his breath. I gaped slightly realizing the spell he'd used, but said nothing. I guess the ministry wasn't around to enforce unforgivable curses anymore anyway. Her eyes suddenly went blank and she gave us a fake smile, leaving her desk to lead us up to a room. I glanced at Draco from the corner of my eye as we all stood awkwardly in the lift. He looked serious and I grew more worried, my stomach dropping to the floor.

The bell dinged and the doors open. She stepped out first and walked as along the quiet carpeted hallway. She stopped mid hall and gestured to our room. Draco nodded to her in thanks. He opened the door and pushed me in by my waist, looking both ways before he came in after me. He shut the door and locked it.

"Draco, what is it?" I said, standing in the room and watching him.

He paced for a few seconds and rubbed his face, in deep concentration. "I know why Bellatrix freaked out," he said.

"She's a lunatic," I muttered under my breath.

"No, seriously," he said.

"Why then?" I asked, tired and confused.

He walked towards me and pushed me onto the bed gently by my shoulder. He sat beside me but he could barely look at me while he collected his thoughts. I could see his eyes moving back and forth, like he was scanning an image in his mind.

"It's about the Horcruxes you told me about."

"What about them?" I asked

"I heard the others talking a long time ago, that something was in their vault at Gringotts- something important. And I hadn't put together what it was until today. You told me that Potter and the others were searching for Horcruxes, and today Bellatrix kept asking Granger what they took. It only makes sense."

As I listened to him speak I knew he was right. Something else was in Bellatrix's vault, and now Harry and the others knew too.

"They must know," I said, speaking my thoughts. "Harry, Hermione and Ron, they must know too. They'll be heading there next," I said to him.

"Exactly," he said, standing up and pacing again. "And listen, Bella, by now they've got to be close to getting all the horcruxes. And if they all get destroyed then this war will be all over."

I listened to him nodding fervently, sensing where this was going.

He continued. "Remember when we were taking about the snake? Well I'm convinced now, Bella. It's one of them," he said, seriously. "I don't know if Potter and the others know about that one just yet, but whether or not they do, we know about it. We can kill it. And we'll be one step closer to having this all over for good," he said, breathlessly and determined. "Maybe this can all be over."

I stood up to look him properly in the eye.

"Maybe this can be all over," I repeated softly, nodding. 

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