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I took a big sip of my coffee, trying to force my eyes to stay open. I hadn't slept more than an hour last night and my body was starting to hate me for it. Harry, on the other hand, seemed very awake, sitting next to me with his leg jittering up and down.

He hadn't said anything to me when we walked back to the common room last night. That silence contrasted the interrogation happening right now; While, Harry normally brought Malfoy up in one way or another given his suspicions of him, today's discussion was on another level.

As Harry went on and on, I noticed Hermione rolling her eyes at everything he said from behind her large newspaper. I shared in her annoyance but probably not for the same reason; I wanted him to stop asking questions. "Why was he awake that late, where was he coming from, why did he look so sad, why does he look ill?"

For the most part I tried to make excuses to silence him, but he was being stubborn.

"How about we forget about Malfoy," I suggested finally. "How about we try to remember the better parts of last night," I said with a quick wink.

Hermione pulled the large newspaper over her face, trying to pretend she didn't hear anything.

"I'd love to," he said smirking at me and looking me up and down. But his smile faded again and molded back into a look of suspicion. "Or we can try to figure out why we were interrupted by that little weasel."

I groaned. "I'm going to class now. See you after," I said without giving him the usual kiss goodbye.

As I walked out of the Great Hall, Ginny swopped next to me and we walked together to transfiguration. She looked just as gloomy as I did.

"Boy trouble?" I asked.

"Yea, you?" she replied.



"Ms. Lovegood what are you doing?" shrieked Professor McGonagall as she moved in quick strides over to a spaced-out looking Luna.

The class was very rowdy today given that it had been so long since many friends had seen each other. Everyone had catching up to do and the room was echoing with loud voices that detailed the events of winter break. Despite Professor McGonagall's usual strict standards, she was having a difficult time keeping us all at normal talking volume. Eventually she gave up on that and instead focused her attention on at least making sure the transfiguration work was going smooth.

"Anyway, Fred and George apparate all the time and they're pretty witless so I'm sure we could do it," Ginny said passionately.

She was eager learn how to apparate now that lessons would be starting soon, but since we're too young to attend those, she spent a considerable amount of time trying to persuade me that we could just teach ourselves.

"Yea I'm sure we could," I said, "but it's only another year, we can wait. In the mean time, show your brothers some respect," I jokingly scolded her.

"Maybe I would if they gave me a discount on their products," she reasoned. "Anyway," she said, moving on, "I noticed you didn't come into our room 'til very late," she said, smirking.

"Funny, I didn't think people noticed things when they're sleeping."

"Ha ha," she dismissed me. "What were you and Harry up to?" she said, nudging me aggressively and looking wide awake, eager for some news.

"Well," I began, "we snuck out for a bit."


My hand slapped her mouth rather hard and I shushed her.

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