"Righting Wrongs"

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A couple weeks had gone by since the first full day at the manor. The end of the Hogwarts school-year would have finished by now and the students would have gone home after attending Dumbledore's funeral. I wondered what the future of the school would be, and I wondered who'd take the old man's place.

I wasn't sure of which student's would go back next year, whose parents would send them to school amid the war. And although I didn't know where Harry and the others were, I doubted they'd return to the castle for their last year.

I hoped they were okay.

Draco didn't let me sleep alone in the guest bedroom after what Bellatrix had done, and I was thankful for it; I didn't want to leave his side. But, without much of a surprise, his aunt wanted us to stay separate. So, she'd send me to the guest room every evening, and, after enough time had passed, I'd leave the guest room and sneak out to see him, staying in his room until morning. Although I had no wand, I was fortunate enough to find a way to pick the lock which was probably something his family didn't expect seeing as everything apparently needed to be performed magically to them.

After about a week, Bellatrix didn't think I was actually as much help as Draco had said I'd be. She threatened over and over again to use the cruciatus curse on me, or to leave me in a room with Fenrir. I was never too worried for my own safety though - at least, that was until she threatened to use the curse on Draco as incentive for me to finally reveal something of use.

I spent almost every minute trying to come up with something I could say that wouldn't put Harry in any real danger or significantly advantage the Death Eaters. But it wasn't easy at all.

Until I proved somewhat useful, Bellatrix didn't want me walking about the house, but that was fine with me. I stayed in Draco's room most of the time. He usually wasn't there as he was forced to attend meetings downstairs, but the room was big enough to keep me fascinated anyway.

Today was rainy and cold. I sat on the edge of Draco's bed, thinking. He'd gone down for breakfast which I was not invited to. I was startled when his door opened abruptly. He walked in and carried a plate of fruits and a croissant.

"Thanks," I said taking the plate. He sat down beside me and had a curious expression on his face. "What's up?" I asked.

"They were talking at breakfast," he said, slowly.

"And?" I asked, eager to know more.

"And they're planning a breakout," he said, flatly.

"Breakout?" I asked, confused. "Wait, like from Azkaban?" I asked, realizing that's what he meant.

"Yea," he said through an escaped breath. He nodded to himself, his eyes somewhere far away.

I had a hard time determining how he felt about this information. His expression was difficult to read.

"So, your dad...you'll get him back?" I asked.

"Yeah, I will." He gave a very small smile and looked at me before looking away again like he was ashamed.

"Draco, it's okay. You're allowed to be happy to have him back. He's your dad."

"He's a horrible person," he said, letting out a huff. He didn't meet my eyes. "I used to look up to him, I thought he was the best. I couldn't have been more wrong," he moaned, rubbing his face.

"But he's still your dad," I said softly, trying to console him. I rubbed his back in light circles. "Don't feel guilty to want your dad. It's human."

He gave a small smile and rubbed my leg in thanks, but he didn't look much happier.


Late in the afternoon, Draco and I had the manor to ourselves. His mother skipped out to run some errands, and the others left too, though they never told us where they were heading.

But I suppose we weren't completely alone because Wormtail was still in the house - they didn't let him leave. But he always lurked in the shadows like the rat that he is, and so we never actually saw him.

Draco gave me a little tour to pass the time. The house was so big that it reminded me of a second Hogwarts. Though, it was darker and much fancier. We walked, hand in hand, down the large staircase that led back into the main room.

It was quite beautiful but I had never really taken it in the last few times that I was here. The floor was shiny and the ceilings were high. The windows were tall and circular at the top, much like the bedrooms. There were multiple grand chandeliers hanging, and the crystal twinkled from whatever light managed to peek through from the curtains on this rainy day.

My eyes wandered around the walls. There weren't any family pictures, but it wasn't like I had expected there to be - this place didn't really have that homey feel. But the absence of them did feel a little strange because this was Draco's home. Instead of photos, large silver frames enclosed artworks of natural scenery or unrecognizable, dark abstract art.

"These are very nice," I said, pointing to a large picture of rolling foot hills that laid under a dark, turbulent sky. I watched as the grass blew in the wind, and the dark clouds moved slowly across the top.

He just nodded, like he didn't like it all that much.

Suddenly there was a loud crack and I jumped. I turned round to see that that some of the Death Eaters had arrived. I got nervous as I shouldn't have been down here. I instinctively took a step back and Draco moved a foot forward to cover me with his shoulder. But no one said anything about me being out of my room. Instead, they seemed stuck in a laughing fit that made me uneasy.

Bellatrix was cackling the loudest, slipping her wand into her belted corset.

"Draco," she said, nodding to him as a greeting.

I looked at the blond standing in front of me as he turbid his head slightly to the side, tough for me to see his expression. He also looked a little put off, the corners of his mouth turned down. "Where've you all been?" Draco asked, looking back and forth between the group members.

"Righting wrongs," Bellatrix said, tongue between her teeth, smiling. The others all laughed, nudging each other.

"Meaning?" asked Draco, his serious expression evident.

"You didn't think we'd let a disgusting Muggle live while one of our own was killed, did you?" she said.

"What?" I asked, surprised that I even spoke up because my heart was racing.

"That's right," Bellatrix said, nodding and looking amused. "You're welcome, darling."

My heart was beating out of my chest now. What did that mean? I looked between the group members who were still smiling at each other.

"Your mother's been avenged," she said.

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